Monday, February 7, 2011

My Love. Not Yours.

Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way. 
Love is not self seeking.

We think people won't know the truth but those who've loved us, who've seen the beauty within us, always know the truth, no matter the lies they tell their cousins, no matter the sincerity they play off as meaningless whims.
The truth stands.
And it is irrefutable.
And I will always know.
And so will each of them.
And that is enough.
My love burns bright for each lost love.
And with each thought of each face I send a prayer of love and light and know their unmovable mountains are beginning to shake.
And my love releases.
My selfish desires to see such familiar faces, to look into adoring eyes, I give above.
He knows the secret petitions of my heart.

The beautiful thing about heartache is that is strengthens.  Men who held my heart in their hands tossed it aside with such force sometimes it still skips a beat. 
But I endured.
And I am so strong.
I am certain of the One who never releases my heart from His loving hands.
And with such a fervent love, I am learning the needs I think I feel are absurdly unnecessary.
All the love I need is already within me.
And my spirit overflows.

So my dear ones, enemies, and strangers, my love is real.
My love was real.

And in your absence, in your silence, I know your ache is greater than mine.

So when you miss me send me love and light.
Say a prayer He is drawing me nearer to Him tonight.
Trust I am so very happy.

I'm dancing again.
I'm writing.
I'm making music.
I'm making new friends.
I'm having new crushes.
I'm inspiring the women in my life.
I'm so excited to see how else I can be used.  Who else I can love. 
Who else I can offer my symphony tickets to.
I'm so excited for the plot twists He has in store.
I'm still convinced Mr. Dreamy will cross my path once again.
I'm confident I will make the dance team.
And if it's not His will then I'm confident I'll trust that too.

A friend of mine said I've really matured this past year. 
So maybe pain is a wonderful thing.
Maybe a love that can smile knowing how happy they are without you is the only love worth knowing.
Maybe reading She has loved you from the first moment she saw you was all I needed to read to remember that sometimes I don't need what others would die without.
And maybe learning to love those who cannot love you is part of what Jesus wanted to leave in our hearts.

This woman loves passionately, intensely, inconveniently and with utmost sincerity.
And without you, none of it wanes.
Your absence makes it stronger.
Because I've found my Prince.
And He will never leave me or forsake me.
And what more could one ask for?

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything.

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