Thursday, August 30, 2012

I got dumped.

I thought he was gay.

He worked in Designer Handbags and wore tight pants and fitted vests and showed me pictures of the vegetarian lasagna he'd made at home.
He was nice to me.
And since my taste in men always mirrored my cooking and cleaning abilities--Lord send me a rich chef to marry--I welcomed the idea of a fabulous new gay boyfriend with the kind of girlish excitement that can only be rivaled in a room full of tiaras or pink cupcakes.
He was handsome.
And he dressed well.
And he thought I was worth talking to.

This was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.

On our first date he didn't tell me I was pretty.
He didn't compliment my Grace Kelly dress or even my matching velvet bow hat.
He didn't wish me a Happy Day After My Birthday either.
And he didn't pay for my drink.

What kind of gay man doesn't gush about how fabulous I am??

He wasn't gay.
He grabbed my ass in the elevator.
And we made out in a park on our second date.
And he turned out to be the greatest lover and my best friend.

But he was relationally retarded.
And now he's my ex.

I really need to stop falling for gay straight men.

He was different from the guys I'd dated.
He didn't worship me.
He didn't need me to save him.
We were genuine friends.
And I could actually be myself with him.
And we'd talk about everything.

If I got mad at him he never got mad back.
He'd smile, amused, and offer to make me hot chocolate or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Once I went to sleep on the couch and he brought his only blanket out to me to cover me with it.
He slipped a pillow underneath my head.
He was caring.
He was understatedly romantic.

Once I babysat a co workers daughter and he spent the day with both of us.
It was one of those summer days that was unbearably hot so when we all got back to his apartment, without saying a word, he mixed up a sparkling citrus drink and handed each of us a glass.
I smiled.
He did loving stuff like that all the time.

But he never told me I was beautiful.
He never even said he liked me.
He never bought me flowers or jewelry or introduced me to his Mom.

And while I tried to accept that he communicated his affection with his time and his actions, a nagging doubt continuously poked my heart.
If he can't say it, he must not feel it.
And what a wretched fool I am to stick around and wait for it.
I'd never known a man to not tell me how he felt or how he saw me.
Strangers on the street stop to tell me how lovely I look or what beautiful eyes I have.
And my own boyfriend didn't even want to be "in a relationship" with me on Facebook.

What else was I to think?

He wouldn't give me any traditional boyfriend anything.
It annoyed him when I wanted to take pictures together.
If I asked him how I looked or if he liked my outfit all he'd ever say was, "You look adorable."
I knew he liked me.
He obviously wouldn't spend so much time with me if he didn't.
But I felt like some kind of friend.
And I wanted to feel like a woman.
I wanted to feel adored and loved and desirable.
And I didn't.

So I'd get hurt and I'd tell him.
And I'd ask why and he'd say he wasn't ready.
Because to him "I love you" meant Forever.
And it was too soon for that, he'd tell me.
But he wanted to be with me, he reminded me.

And then one day he called and said he wanted to take a break.
He said he didn't know if he did or didn't want to be with me and he needed to know.
But that I did nothing wrong and it wasn't about me.
And he said maybe he'd realize it was all a mistake and then it'd be up to me.

So here I am.
Single because the man I love is confused.
Because he's too young to decide his forever and too scared of his own pasts repetition to bravely trust me with his heart.

I wish I could hate him.
I wish he'd done something or cheated on me or looked me in the eyes and declared he felt nothing for me.
But he was just sad.
And uncertain.

And I'm not 22 anymore.
And I don't want to try and change his mind and help him realize how good I am for him.
Because if he doesn't want me then I don't want him either.

I want a man who knows I am wonderful, from deep inside his gut, even when he doesn't see me or even when I cause him a massive headache, he still smiles.
Because I am his headache.
And he is my stubborn fool.
And we'll make passionate love together and stay up late laughing in bed and rest our heads together snuggled up in the morning.
And he won't run away.
And he won't push me away.
And he'll let my love pour through him and fall back into my own eyes.

And that will be our truth.
And that will be all we'll ever need.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Mother Teresa? Not likely

I've been volunteering at a daycare.

If you know me at all you'll realize how ridiculous this is.

I'm about as into babies as my dad was into me dating the long haired Lebanese narcissist he lovingly referred to as "the terrorist."

Babies annoy me the way dogs do.
They smell and they drool and they manage to get it all over your new designer shoes.
They'll stand right in front of you for minutes just staring at you expecting you to read their minds.

I don't wanna take them for a walk.
And I don't wanna carry them in a handbag.
And I'm pretty sure the only way I will actually ever pop out a baby is if the condom breaks.

But the dance studio I used to be addicted to has this exchange program where if you volunteer to work a couple hours a week then you can take all the free classes you like.
Sweet gig, right?
I've worked in the daycare now three weeks and guess how many classes I've taken?

It's not that I don't genuinely want to take the classes.
It's just getting my rotund behind off my boyfriend's couch seems to be an impossibility.
I've gotten out of the groove.
And I don't wanna go to zumba.
I wanna make cookies with my bf.
We're both getting these cute little ponches from eating so much morne and I think we're all the sexier for it.

The first time I worked in the daycare there was this toddler boy there.
He was the only kid for the first hour.
He walked by me and stared at me, sizing me up.
I'm pretty sure he could smell my indifference.

I met his gaze.
Hey. How's it goin? I asked him.
He just blinked back.
It was like talking to a dog.

I don't even know how to talk baby, like the other girl who works with me.
She's some sort of professional nanny and she speaks kid with the grace of Mary Poppins.
I'm all trying to think of what to say to the five year old twins and come up with, Is your dress Calvin Klein?

The kids look at me with the same disbelief as you likely are.
They prefer the other teacher read the stories but they do let me hand them their goldfish.
I guess they realize it's pretty hard for me to screw up snack time.

I try bonding with the painfully shy girl who always acts like her mom is leaving her at a concentration camp when she leaves by coloring on a pink piece of construction paper with her.
These crayons aren't Crayola! I declare in disgust.
Certainly even a five year old can understand the pains of drawing with cheap colored wax.
She glares at me and turns her back.

Once again my big mouth seems to offend.

I better get my groove back quick because something tells me I'm not gonna last long with the drooling toddlers.
We all have our gifts.
And I do make a mean jam filled sugar cookie.

She messed with the wrong makeup whore

One of the good things about not working for Nordstrom anymore is that now I get to be one of the customers catered to instead of one of the employees doing the catering.

It's a similar high I experienced after working for Starbucks.
Excuse me, I said DENSE foam. These bubbles are YUGE.
Oh, I am so very sorry, I'd always lie, let me remake that for you. And here's a free drink coupon for being such an uptight bitch. I mean, I'll be quick & make that switch.

Customers are irrational and entitled.
God bless America.

So now, it's MY turn to be annoying and incessant.
Yeah, I really didn't like this eyeliner at all and the blush really isn't my color so I'd like to return them.
Take that, you lipstick pusher.
I just got back from L.A. with a suitcase full of quality makeup and I don't need this crap anymore.

Um. I can't DOoo that, the goth wannabe whines in her valley girl drone.
There's like, NOoo packaging. How do I know you didn't get these at May-seees?

I don't know.
Because they don't CARRY M.A.C. at Macy's?
Is this a trick question??

I blink expectantly but Barbie Goth is resolute.

I just don't need them anymore. They're hardly used, I counter, with sincerity.

Yeeeeaaaah. I'm sawwry. But I like, just. Can't.

I continue staring at her because I'm still waiting for her shrill JUST KIDIIIIING! because when I worked for Nordstrom I had to return empty serums "that just didn't work" and if I didn't do it like a fucking cheerleader I got death stares from the twitchy meth addict posing as my boss.

My return totaled $34.
She was being a cunt.

I decided arguing with her was a moot point and just gave her the item I did have in a box so she'd at least process that return.
It was the eye shadow primer I'd always used and worked okay but after learning about some other incredible brands at the IMATS in Cali I'd chosen to use a different one.
And a lady really doesn't need two eyeshadow primers.
Not even makeup whores like me.

Your zip code is in BeaverTON? she hissed.
Whyyyyy are you shopping HERE?

Now I was getting REALLY annoyed.

If I wanted to return some $300 item she'd sold me yesterday?
I'd get the attitude.
But the primer was fifteen stupid dollars.

My boyfriend lives downtown, I replied, wondering why I bothered responding.

Because you kno-ow, there's Washington SQ-U-ARE and ClackaMAS. They have bigger counters. Maybe you should shop THEHRE.


If anyone would have talked to a customer that way when I worked in the department they probably would have left work crying after the ass whooping they'd received.

What a stupid girl.

I walked away and then minutes later decided to return.

Excuse me? I cooed, all sunshine and sugar pops to the gal working for Chanel.
The gal that was just helping me, what was her name? 
My smile was so overwhelmingly bright and eager she fully believed I'd enjoyed Barbie Goth.
Oh, that was Tiffany, she replied, her bright smile matching mine.
Wonderful, thank you. And does Tiffany have a card? I beamed even brighter.
She reached into their drawer and fished one out for me.
Here ya go!
Thank you. Thank you ever so, I feigned another smile.

Because some department manager is going to receive an anonymous note about the customer service they received and how they'll make sure to shop elsewhere, as they were instructed to do.

Because I happen to know that customer complaints are a yuge deal.
So please, lay on the attitude nice and juicy like, and see what happens.

I look forward to it, actually.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'd like you so much better if I'd never seen your penis

I have always wished that I could stay friends with an ex.

I've met those girls.
The ones who stay buds with their old flames.
They meet each others new hookups and they all go to carnivals together and eat elephant ears and it's like some music video to a Taylor Swift song.

I've never understood those girls.
Just like I've never understood the appeal of anal sex or beer.

My relationships with my exes are never reminiscent of a pop ballad.
Mine get me blocked from Facebook.
They involve pronouncements like, I don't need this much drama in my life or My wife says I can't talk to you anymore.

And even though every ending to every love affair I've ever experienced more likely resembles the ending of Anna Karenina than Twilight, my hopeful, stubborn determination is to maintain a friendship with SOME ex.
Some time.
Clearly, not anytime soon.

I emailed Mr. Volcano last week, motivated by god knows what, and I ended up with this.

The journey goes well for me, and each day I am filled with gratitude and astonishment at the beauty life chooses to reveal.  I hope you still experience great joy and smiles daily as well.  Good to hear from you, and happy summer!

What the hell is that even supposed to mean?
I swear he didn't sound like a fortune cookie while we were dating.

Why is it so hard for people to be real?

Hope you still experience great joy....??
Yeah, every day when I'm frenching my well endowed lover, you self righteous ass monkey.

What a fucking phoney.

I know what you're thinking.
"He sounded nice."
Let's take you back a couple years to his last parting words and the slander I caught him in and the fact we've had no dialogue since.

Why did he bother writing me back in the first place?
At least indifference doesn't involve pathetic attempts at vague pleasantries.
I would have preferred he not respond at all.


Men are idiots.
Thank god for the ones who can form a sincere sentence without sounding like they're writing from an ashram in New Guinea.

I'm so glad my hippie days are over. 

But you know, hearing from my ex did remind me the journey goes well for me too. 
It made me really think about how far I've come. 
And how smart it is to no longer be dating baristas from Starbucks. 

The beauty life chooses to reveal today is that latent homosexuals who nailed you on your roommates bed that run with the polar bears to "find themselves" should not be your Facebook friend. 

Exes merely exist so we have something to laugh at other than ugly bitches.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

exeunt loves

I thought I saw him last night.
PC walking along Davis Street.
I was so surprised I started following the direction he was going.
I called his name across the street and he turned his head to look back but kept walking.
For a second I was hurt he didn't stop to talk to me but then I realized he didn't see me because it wasn't him.
At least I'm fairly certain it wasn't.

It made me smile that my instinct was to run toward him instead of away from him.
Heartache has such a profound ability to heal itself.

I felt similarly when I discovered Mr. Volcano dancing amidst my thoughts.
It started when I received a message from some guy on Okcupid that looked like he could have been his brother.
It was eerie the similar details.
And finding his picture on my computer, I found his name even spilling out into conversation.
You must not be satisfied with your current relationship, a friend told me.

But that couldn't be true.
I didn't want Mr. Volcano or PC.
He just pressed his way through the deep recesses of my memory to be present in my actual thoughts.
I didn't want him there.

Who wants a ghost lingering, reminding you by its absence how much it

And then, most comically of all, a man outside my lover's apartment, embodying the image of Narcissus himself.
I smiled with uncontrollable amusement.

All my lost loves seemed to be returning to take their final bows.
Like some montage at the end of a movie, where each character is shown again, like some final stamp affixing each face to the screen.

Maybe they needed to exit in finality so this new story I'm in could be free to play out.
Because I'm no longer in a new chapter.

I'm in my fairytale.
The one where I'm a real princess.
The one where the ending is unlike every story before it.

Lesson Learned: Women Keep Silent Unless Rainbows Fall Out of Your Mouth

I realized something quite profound this evening.

All of the flack I've received in expressing a genuine emotion, namely my anger at an injustice, my intolerance for deceit and jealousy, has earned me the title of big, bad bitch.

And I finally connected the polka dots and realized why so many hens have their feathers in such a tizzy.

Most women don't believe their voice is worthy of being heard.
If they have any unpleasant thoughts, they fear they are not being nice and should say nothing at all.
They have learned, through their own relationships and judgment, that women who cause conflict are dealt with accordingly.
They are sent to their rooms without ice cream.
They are abandoned and single.
They are mother's disappointment.
And because of their own stifled screams they believe ALL women should cut off their tongues before voicing anything more than a soft purr.

You see I don't think most women are as progressive as they pretend to be.
They don't want to stand strong against the whores of injustice and gossip and lies.
They don't want to say what they're really thinking or listen to anybody who does speak their mind.
They want to be homecoming queen and voted most likely to be adored by the universe.
They want everyone to smile and say hello to them when they walk by even if neither can actually stand each other.
They want compliments and niceties to be tossed around regardless of whether they hold any fragment of sincerity.
They want play acting.
Or as my college mentor phrased it Actor Masturbation; the kind of self indulgent drivel that is purely for the sake of the self righteous actor and communicates no real truth to the audience whatsoever.

Because they dislike the truth.
Because it's ugly and raw and isn't covered in chocolate sprinkles.

But let's say, in spite of their abhorrence for such vulgar words, that everything I wrote were true.
What if someone did slander my name and that cost me my ability to have an income and a career I excelled at?

What if my co worker had been a man?
What if the wrong doing came from a HIM and not a SHE would the women who judged my anger suddenly approve of it?
Would they join with me in damning the man because I could do so much better than that asshole?
Because it'd be okay to use a swear, you know, since he had a penis and not a uterus.

Is it even the truth that these women want?
Or is it merely something pleasant that's easy to swallow?
Would my name calling and their propensity to not see past the ridge of their prissy noses leave them stumbling over their discomfort that I'm a mean mean meanie and used the word FUCK?
Or would they shake their heads with knowing sadness because they too had been scorned by a man for no good reason.
Excuse me, woman.
And we bitches should have each other's backs not stab them when our sales are higher.

But because I am not referring to a man, because I was not deceived by an ex lover but rather a fellow woman was the culprit I am to play nice and remain a demure, delicate flower?

I don't fucking think so.

Contrary to my peer's antiquated opinions I subscribe to the notion that I live in an era where I have the freedom, the choice, the gift, to write and say any and all that I feel.
My passions, my frustrations, my joys.
And even publish them all on some trivial blog for my own amusement and artistic voice.

And unlike all those women terrified to stir any rippling waves around them, I intend to make a splash so triumphantly great that all of the town will be talking about it.

And some of them will gasp in horror at my quickness to verbally flip them off.
But others, the few weird, crazy, outspoken vixens who tire of such forced feminine guises will smile their wicked smiles in quiet agreement with my resolve.

I may behave like a bitch.
But I am a nice girl.
And if you don't accept me as I am, I will not bury the parts you find offensive.

May your own storm clouds stir within you until you're brave enough to set them free.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

You wanna roll? Let's see who fucks harder.

Warning: You might wanna take a shot or smoke a joint before continuing any further.
I'm actually TRYING to be an asshole with this one.
So if you don't have your sassy shorts on you're gonna get offended.
I'd say I'm so so sorry but we all know that's a lie.

And good evening to you friends and enemies.
A little birdie informed me that the bitches of Sunset High still have me on their Twitter feed.
Apparently I'm even more important than I realized.
In fact you can bet they're all reading this even as you are.

Heeey Ugos!
I know you miss me as your Facebook friend!

I felt so tickled and honored by the news that it seemed only right to pay homage to them in the form of my blog since I've spent no time thinking of them and they apparently have me as a subject for their status updates.

It reminds me of hearing stories of the good ol' Starbucks wenches continuing to chatter on about me long after I was gone.

Why is the topic even still relevant to you?
That was SO last season.
I've had orgasms that lasted longer.

Certainly not with that Starbucks manager, though.
Wawh waaah.

Apparently I'm so awesome they have nothing else to talk about.

Really, little girl?
You're posting a link to the Clinique website and saying they're now hiring to try and spite me?
How adorable.
What a boring little life you must lead.
But I guess if you focus all your energy on me, you won't have to deal with the reality that your own life totally blows.

I'll play along.
Except it's really not.
And I'm actually happy as a clam.
And things happen for a reason.
That's why I had the lead in the high school plays and you were frenching the guy whose now a raging mo.

Question du jour:

Why are people my age incapable of staying married?
Now, I know we don't all wanna be like debutante stepford housewives circa 1965, enduring abusive relationships and men who cheat on us weekly.
 --Though who wouldn't stick around for Don Draper??--Yum Yum Yummer!!--

But I can't tell you how many people I know from my graduating high school class that have been married and then one hot second later, divorce.
Will someone please explain to me why people can date and live together for years and years and years and then as soon as there's a legally binding paper involved they suddenly realize they can't stand each other and they can't make it work.

I know I've never been married but I've also never been divorced.

I think your marriage should at least last longer than the tonsil hockey you played with the clarinet player in high school.
After all, you only hooked up with him because he was the only guy who'd have you so let's assume the guy you actually married you at least liked as much as the Don Juan of band geeks.

And if you're really concerned about pleasing your man just climb on top and get to it.
Oh wait.
I forgot, you don't do that.
Don't want those wobbly bits bouncing around for him to see.

At least when I indulge in some comfort foods for a fat fat fatty I have the decency to delight in them not cough them up like some ratty hairball.
But bulimia does look so good on you.
It was cool when you were fifteen and experimenting with diet pills and shoplifting cosmetics but by the time your high schol reunion has come and gone it's time to put on your big girl pampers and learn to keep your food down.


This seems to be something that will help in ALL areas of your life.

Maybe if you would have dedicated half as much energy to your marriage as you have to moi and who knows what else, you wouldn't be well on your way to being another fucking cliche.

Divorced after less time than you spent trying to earn your thespian patch for that stupid letterman jacket.

But what do I know.
Everything I learned I learned from Facebook and we all know anything published there is insincerity incarnate.

The difference is I'm writing about you now to induce inappropriate laughter.
You're writing about me because you want to project your hate onto someone other than yourself.
So have at it, honey.
I'm glad I could be of service.

It's like the time Mrs. Couldn't Handle the Volcano emailed me a long, nasty hate mail letting out all the rage she'd felt over me having no problem sleeping with her ex husband.
 I'm so sorry you had trouble getting it up. Hopefully your new husband is accepting of the fact you're a lesbian.
After I read all of her rant I actually said aloud, Wow she must have really needed to get that off her chest.

Let it out, girl!
If you can't climax at least get pissed.
It's as close as you're ever gonna get.

There's just one tiny thing....
That out pour of unbecoming emotion you thrust towards someone that was really only friends with you that one semester in high school because there was no one else to talk to on that trip to New York was wasted.
That's the beauty of the delete button.

You just made yourself look like an ass who stays up late into the wee hours of the night obsessing over me instead of your own life.
Maybe you should prioritize.
Then maybe you wouldn't be in the pickle you are.
Maybe his pickle would be in you.

I'm sorry that my hair is prettier than yours and that my sex life is better and that I actually enjoy the food I swallow.
But I'm glad I gave you something to fixate all your negative energy on.
And I do always appreciate the good blog fodder.
Ugly bitches make for most entertaining prose.

That's right.

Now watch her head explode.


Friday, June 8, 2012

My computer destroyed my old lovers

My computer crashed again.

It happened once in 2008 when I lived in Rhode Island.
I lost everything, including all pictures of me and Narcissus, which I took as a sign to embrace his absence.

Years later, in a really bizarre and creepy manner, my email account starting resending me old emails.
At first I thought the roommate I'd had a huge falling out with was playing some kind of prank on me.
Because they were emails from 2007 when we lived together.

Then, because that wasn't odd enough, I started getting even older emails I'd sent to Narcissus with pictures of him and I together.

I felt like I must be the unknowing object of some reality tv show and the world was waiting to see how I'd react when the ex love of my life suddenly flashed across my computer screen.

But all I really felt was.....I'm so glad I'm not there anymore.
And.....he's not as handsome as I remember.

Taste changes.
And photos prove it.

So it was only mildly shocking when my computer did it again a few weeks ago and everything was once again no longer in existence.

Initially I was indifferent.
So all my photos were gone.
So what?
Most of them are on Facebook anyway.

Except of course for any I had of Mr. Volcano or Prince Charming.
But again I thought, all the better.
I don't need pictures of faces on my computer as a reminder of all someone could never be for me.

And then my guy and I tied one on the other night and ended up having a really open conversation about past lovers and heartaches and he even showed me some pictures of old girlfriends.

The insanely confident diva in me had to bite my tongue from declaring, MY GOD, MAN! DID YOU TRADE UP OR WHAT??!

Some thoughts should really be saved for cocktails with girlfriends.

But out of curiosity, I searched my email account, to see if there might be any pictures of either of them anywhere.
And there were.
Not all the ones I'd hoped for, but at least a couple.
And even the one made me really happy.

I realized as our drunken stupor brought us closer that night, that it is actually kind of great to still have those pictures of the people you used to love, the people who used to be your world.

They serve as this kind of reminder of all that has changed.
And how for the perfect bliss that nearly existed the moment those photos were shot, whatever is right now, is always better.

And I'm so glad for that.
I'm so glad to know that regardless of what remains stored on some hard drive, the memories, however complex and painful still exist.
And they still induce smiles.

But none so real as the ones parting my lips now.
And that's mine.
And I will always have that.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

You make hating you way too easy

Some folks know when to take their bow and make a graceful exit.
Others, unwilling to accept their role as Whore from your Past, linger.
They repeatedly try to climb back on the stage so you'll replay their farewell scene.
And I must say that whenever I'm uncertain as to what to write about, their is always, without fail, some daft cow popping her big nose back into my story.

I'm so tempted to send her a copy of All About Eve if it didn't cost me money, I'd do it.
But I'd sooner set dollar bills on fire before I'd spend any of them on her.

The Schnoze sent me another love letter.

Apparently, she read my blog.

Heh heh.

Disclaimer: I am an uncensored bitch. 
If you piss me off I WILL verbally assault you. 
And if you can't handle it, DON'T READ IT.
Or better yet, leave me the hell alone.
The truth hurts and you wouldn't be crying your drunk ass to sleep at night if it wasn't overwhelmingly true.
Even your mom knows you're a skank.

It's not the spiteful, vindictive slander that bothers me.
So she talked shit. So she cost me the best paying job I've had.
Bigger and better things, baby.
I've already been handed gigs as a freelance makeup artist.
And one photographer thought I was so beautiful he's already contacted me to set up a shoot to take MY picture.

Boo hoo.
How will life go on after Nordstrom?
More creatively and artistically fulfilling, that's how.

But slanderous little Schnoze goes and writes me a looong, brambly message because someone obviously sent her word that I took my rage towards her to my writing and she in turn, writes, That was really hurtful and I wish we could have talked about this.

Sure, honey.
And then I'll braid your hair and we'll make parfaits.
And I'll reassure you that those boys in your life don't just hang out with you because they're waiting for you to get drunk and put out.
And no, that doesn't make you a slut.
Whores need love too.

Why can't she just embrace her masculine tendencies and own what she did?
Because if I managed to get rid of my biggest threat and competition I'd be bragging about it.
Yeah, I did it. So what. Handle it. I'm glad you're gone.

But this whole, I'm innocent, I swear, I never said a word, honest I didn't! routine is beyond lame.

I'm a professional actress.
Leave the pretending to the pros.

The other absurdity to such a whiny sniveling message is that she also blocked me one day and then unblocked me the next.
It's hard not to notice when you're reading your Facebook messages and there's the little cunt's picture one day, oh and then look, it's a hidden profile pic, oh and then wait, it's back again.

Yeah. Uh huh.
Totally rational, sane behavior.
You know who else has done that?

If you don't have a penis, and you haven't buttered my muffin , then maybe you shouldn't be cyber stalking me or caring that I will laugh heartily when you unexpectedly burst into flames.
Just a thought.

This ho can't figure out if she wants to destroy me or she's in love with me.
Maybe she's gonna go Talented Mr. Ripley on my ass and kill me in a boat and then steal my identity.

But this is the sad truth.
She's too young and stupid to realize that every little detail she ran to the manic depressive manager to moan about concerning me was then recounted to me in such specific detail that it is absolutely, positively, beyond a shadow of a doubt impossible for any other human being to have told those stories.
Because no one else was there when they happened.
So no one else could know every minute detail and no one else would be so spiteful to recount them all.

Give up the guise.
Embrace the villainess you are and AT LEAST be genuine.
If you can't be Resafied, be real.

Because pretending is tired.
Whores need rest too.

They meant it for evil but it has already worked for good.

I've remembered how incredible it feels being surrounded by people who are inspired instead of threatened by me.
It's easy to forget when your life has become one thing, one job, one role you're forced to embrace.
And you try and catch your breath with a few close loved ones after your shift has finally ended.

But I am free.

I am a writer. I am a singer.
I am an actor, a model, a dancer.
I'm an entertainer, a lover, an artist.
And I can sell ANYTHING.

And I will excel wherever I go.

And someone is waiting to hire me, to be so grateful they found what they were looking for.

It already happened this week.
And it will continue to happen, in spite of those who try and stop me.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You got me fired. Enjoy your karma.

The problem with being so fucking fabulous is that you piss a lot of people off.
A LOT of people.
If you're mean or ugly or just mildly annoying you'll piss a few people off because who doesn't occasionally wish they could chuck a snowball at an ugly, mean person's face?
But being awesome is a threat of far more severity because that means jealousy.
Greed. Competition. Sensitivity. Insecurity.

Basically every teen movie becomes a reality.
And I'm crowned the alpha mean girl.

Just call me Regina George.
And yes, my hair is so big because it's full of secrets.

I got fired yesterday.
And juxtaposed with my most successful week with the company.

I was the only one on my line to make my presell goal, I broke my own personal high for daily and weekly sales and one day I even sold so much I ranked number 10 in the ENTIRE STORE, clothing, shoes, designer, included, even outselling the manager for La Prairie.
"You beat me two days in a row! she said to me. Your price point is like $14! How did you do that?? Congratulations!"
(To give you perspective, her average price point for a La Prairie product is something like $300).

I'm a huge baller is what I am.

Is it any wonder I instilled a little jealous rivalry??

"Your teammates don't feel you contribute to the daily counter duties. You don't do stock or get bags. You're not a team player and you have an attitude problem."


And the fact I out performed their asses in sales the past several weeks has nothing to do with their petty complaints.

Can we just run those store surveillance tapes from the last 7 days I worked without a day off during our busiest time and note how many times I am carrying bags, restocking gifts and filling product at the counter?

Oh? No?
We can't look at any actual tangible, factually evidence?
Oh that's right.
Because there is none.

Good thing you haven't hired a counter manager for the last umpteen months so it's my word against theirs.

Did I mention the two of them have worked at the counter less than a fifth as long as I have?

Right. Right.
What do I know.
I'm only a pacesetter whose consistently out performed most of the department I work in.
I'm a lazy good for nothing bitch.
I should be sacked.

And I am.

The two villainesses sadly shot their own deformed toes off though because a counter that's already down three people and a counter manager is going to be an even bigger nightmare to work for.

Aren't you glad you got rid of the big, bad rockstar, ho's?
Now you can help every needy, annoying customer all by yourself!!

God speed.

The worst of the villainesses is 10 years my junior, out to prove her penis is in fact bigger than mine (I relent! You win!) who boasts a schnoze bigger than Ashlee Simpson's was pre nose job.
The older, less abrasive villainess is high on valium all the time and usually more confusing than anything else.

My favorite part of the day the company gave me the finger is that the schnoze, hours after I left the store, sent me a Facebook message asking me, "Why did you delete me? I thought we were cool?"
Oh. Yeah.
We are so cool I'm gonna kick your ass straight to hell just so you can warm up, that's how cool we are.
Stuff that in your schnoze and snort it.

But truthfully?
I am glad you're in my life.
Because it's so much more fun making fun of ugly people

The tragi-comedy climax was right before I got the axe, the store manager came up to me, her panties in a tight twist, and frantically told me I had to cover up because I was showing too much cleavage.
It was the final nail in the coffin of Nordstrom giving me the finger.

Was there anything about me that wasn't offensive to everyone?

Obviously my huge rack got me canned.
I need to work for a man.

He will fucking LOVE me.

They always do.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I knew better than to listen

I think most people would agree the smart thing to do is listen to what people tell you.
But lately I've been choosing instead to not listen to what people say and listen to my instincts instead.

Today at work there were more employees than customers.
That's always daunting with commission sales because it feels impossible to make your goal.
And I'm certain the people I greet as they walk by can smell my desperation.
Which likely reeks as bad as Angel perfume infused with pot smoke.
I wouldn't want my help either.

So when this group of three women walked by me towards a display tower and told me, they were fine and "just looking" I decided, like fun they are.
I worked in some casual remarks about the items they were looking at as though I was making conversation when really I was hovering.
I didn't care if it would merely be $40 I was going to get the sale.

But my hunch, my belief that these women weren't merely passing through paid off when their transaction surpassed $400.

It's one sale, one day but what if I'd ignored my instinct and listened to their words?

What if I always ignored my instincts and listened to what other people told me was true?

I think one of the nicest things I read in regards to this past week and my ability to instill rage in people was from an old classmate.
She wrote me this.

 Reading your recent blog about highschool drama reminded me of something you did for me in back then. It was freshman year and we had English class together (I think it was English). Anyway, someone played a cruel joke on me by calling up one of the popular assholes, leaving a message on his phone, pretending to be me - basically gushing about how I loved this guy and wanted him to take me to a dance, etc, etc. The next day I couldn't figure out why everyone was laughing at me and making stupid comments about me and this guy. You were the only person who had the guts to come tell me what had happened and why they were being so mean. Thank you. I will always remember you as being one of the only honest people in school.

I don't know about you but I definitely feel compelled to continue telling the truth.
However unfavorably it paints me in the eyes of those who merely listen, who never dare to hear anything but noise.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I love the haters even more than their feigned hate

I love how some of my hate comments say I bitch too much.
Of COURSE I bitch too much.
That's the point of blogging.
To blog is to bitch.
Look it up in the freakin' dictionary.

How am I supposed to write?

Today I had such a wonderful day at work! I met this customer who is sure to be my new favorite. I sold twice my goal for the day. And even though I worked ten hours I still left smiling! I love my job! I'm such a blessed girl!! Then I went over to my beau's house and came three times while making love. He's so good to me. He even made me an absinthe cocktail before bed. My life is so wonderfully happy right now sometimes I see stars even while I'm sleeping.

Oh Yeah.
That makes for GREAT entertaining writing.
After everyone's done cleaning their own vomit off their keyboards maybe they'll block my trite Pollyanna drivel from ever dazzling their computer screens again.

I didn't even wanna read that.
And it's the fucking truth.

People wanna read things that make them laugh.
Things that make them feel a little less depressed about the fucked up lives they lead.
They wanna feel less alone, less bizarre, less pathetic and needy, less oh my god I'm the only asshole that thinks such horrible things I'm a terrible person I should have no friends.

If super loving, politically correct, soothing dialogue was really where it's at why is the TV sitcom dead?
Are people clicking on Youtube videos with heartfelt genuine messages or are they clicking on the ones of silly people doing stupid things?

That blog I wrote that pissed so many people off got more than four times as many hits as any of my average blogs do.
That's stupidly awesome.
I write for myself, for my best friends, for the asshole whose probably gonna remain in love with me for the rest of his life.
It continues to baffle me the way that complete strangers care to waste their time reading anything on here.

The other night my friend asked me if I'd seen all the comments that had been written and I didn't even know they were there.
And what a kick I got over the rantings of others.
I'm sure the intent was to insult me, to silence me, to make me think good and hard about all I'd done.
But I couldn't stop laughing.

Dick McNasty?
How can I not respect the critique from such a user name.
I hope he's moaning my name while he jerks off because I KNOW gay men secretly wish they could do me.
I own Chanel, for fuck's sake.

I felt like I was playing the role of one of those kids in high school movies, quiet, awkwardly shy kids, the ones who wished they were running with the popular crowd but knew a place would never be saved for her at the cafeteria table.
And then one night an impossibility occurred.
And she rushed out her front door in the morning to find her house had been toilet papered by the cool kids.
And rather than feeling humiliated, rather than hanging her head in shame at being so clearly picked on, an overwhelming, stupid grin appeared on her face.
They picked ME, she thought with glee.
They see me. They CARE. I fucking matter.

And of all the idiots in all the city, in all the world to obsess over, they picked MY less than self?

Well now, that's impression.
One I'VE made.
Whether you like it or not.
I'm . In. Your. Brain.

And I thought I had to take my top off to get that ingrained in any guys head.
I just had to open my mouth.

My seductive, crimson clad, smiling mouth.
And nothing. And no one. Will silence me.

Enjoy the show.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One part saccharin, One part bitch

One of my favorite people at work is being let go.
Her sales haven't been high enough and the department hours have been running scarce so my ray of loving sunshine is sadly no more.
She is also, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the nicest person that works in my department.
I'm certain that if I created a survey and all the lipstick peddling ladies were to compose a list of the women they thought would get fired or the women they wished would get fired my friend would not be on anyone's list.
She is quite possibly the sweetest person I've ever met.

She also secretly has a naughty girl bad ass bitchy side full of all kinds of secrets that only a few select people, including myself, knows about.

Which is one of the many reasons I adore her.

She is one part saccharin and one part bitch.
Only her bitch part wasn't great enough to keep her balanced in the wonderful world of commission.
It's a dame take dame kinda world out there and if you don't have the kind of hunger and greed to drive your success, others will trample over you to get it themselves.
If, by contrast, the bitch part out weighs the saccharin part then enemies are formed, spies planted, whisperings trickle from ear to ear until you're back in some tiny office being told you're disliked by the entire department and as a result your livelihood is at stake.

Being a woman, working with women, in any arena, even merely socially networking with women, is a personality dance more intricate and exhausting than the ones performed with our lovers.
We have SO many people to try and please.
And rarely, if ever, do we even allow ourselves to be on that list.

Realizing the nicest girl at work could get fired got me thinking about how difficult it is to survive anything these days.
You have to be kind enough to have friends, to be liked by the people you're forced to interact with everyday.
But you also have to be strong enough to stand up for yourself and not end up getting pushed around by more dominant, alpha personalities.
All while standing up straight, looking lady like and still daring to disagree with injustice.
So long as it's done in hushed tones.

I remember once going on a trip with a bunch of women I didn't know.
Around these here parts I'm known for having a pretty strong personality.
Shocking, I know, considering the waves of hate being delicately driven towards my temples, as of late.
But around these supra alpha girls I seemed about as meek as a doped up bunny.

It's incredible how different things can seem when you change your perspective.

I glanced at my card case the other day and specifically thought, I wish I knew someone I could give this to.
I was planning on purchasing a new one and realized along with my many dated dresses and friendships, I'd out grown it.
But for the life of me I couldn't think of anyone who might like it.
Tonight, over champagne cocktails, I whipped out the very card case to pay for my indulgence and my dear friend cooed in awe over its sparkly magnificence.
I knew instantly who should have it and handed it over immediately.
Her shock and appreciation was only merely rivaled by our waitress when I notified her she'd forgotten to charge us for our dessert.
"Thank you for being so honest," the waitress replied, updating our bill to the correct amount.

Contrary to my notoriety I actually am one part saccharin too.
But only a few, select people are privy to such a startling reality.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I don't have to explain my art to you

I've done it again.

After months without writing, without a word to share with the world, I come back full force with one of my bitch fueled rants aiming to entertain and mock the uptight prisses of Facebook Portlandia.
Unsurprisingly I piss off hundreds of people.
Well, not so much hundreds as fives, of tens of people.

I'm a pretty big deal.
I got deleted by at least THREE people.

How awesome is that??

The best part is that they read my blog.
I don't know why but that always feels like a giant compliment from people that dislike me.
You have to genuinely give a damn to take the time to read my grammatically incoherent, politically incorrect, self worshiping chatter, ES-PE-CI-ALLY if we're not even friends.

I don't take the time to look at the Facebook pages of the folks I love and adore let alone the assholes I don't even remember friending.

So my Facebook wall became the chat room debate for Team Resa Fucking Rocks or Team Fuck Resa's Rocks.
My Double D's have often been a source of contention.

But I decided things had gotten a little out of hand after one girl commented, her panties in a twist as though I personally insulted her to her face and she must be lying about going to the same high school as me since I'VE. NEVER. HEARD. OF. HER. and after another girl I've known since elementary school wrote a comment so long instead of taking up approx. 2 inches of space, like most Facebook comments do, it was at least 8 inches long and that is just always too damn long when anyone is trying to fuck you.


So I pondered my overwhelming propensity for ruffling people's feathers and wondered why any of them cared in the first place.
We're not 16 anymore.
Things people say about us shouldn't be SOOOO IMPORTANT.
It's not like these are co workers or friends I see on the weekends.
All of them are people I haven't seen in YEARS and their anger was so violently passionate you'd think we were ex lovers.

Break my heart and then read what I have to say about you.
That'll keep me bitching for months.

And I realized something.

The reason these people cared so much, the reason they all got on their huffy bikes and took their crayons elsewhere to practice their lower case letters is because we knew each other in high school.
We knew each other when everyone was tortured and horribly insecure and scarred from not getting asked to prom or getting cast in the school musical.
The digs from old fellow classmates run deeper than some frigid witch you've known a year because she knows nothing of the flat chested pimply faced flute playing virgin you were your entire high school career.
People that know your past, however superficially, are threatening.

Which is why my big, uncensored mouth seemed so terribly vicious when anyone who is actually in my life knows my mercilessly honest, insulting and vulgar writing personality is tongue and cheek and meant to entertain and induce laughter, not to be taken in earnest.
Imagine the sincerity of Chelsea Lately and that's about me when I'm writing.

I'm hilarious and anyone that doesn't like me is a fucktard.
That pretty much sums up my life philosophy.

But the greatest part of this whole experience is being reminded that what I say MOVES people.
I instill such a strong reaction that people either love me or hate me.
No beige vanilla bullshit here.
Probably explains why I never remain friends with my exes.
Because if you're not madly, passionately in love with me you're running for the hills.
And gossiping about me on your own Facebook page.

Maybe I'm even closer to that New York Times Best Seller than I thought.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I don't "love you" cuz that's too fucking serious

Whenever I hear other people's love stories they always possess some characteristic I can't relate to.
 "Oh I knew immediately. From the first moment I saw him I knew I was going to marry him."
And they expect everyone to subscribe to their same philosophy.

Well color me clueless the hell did you know anything before you really knew anything?

My current love story is far less epic romance and far more pragmatic simplicity.

The other day he sent me a cute cat picture, relating to a joke we experienced the other night together, on a day that was horrafable and the moment I opened the text I thought, I love you.

Sometimes love stories don't involve poetry under the stars and I've decided that's actually fine by me.
Being some guys goddess is a lot of freakin' expectation and I'm really not up to standing on that pedestal in five inch stilettos just so he can look to me to guide him through his walkabout crisis.

My latest blog, which was the first time I felt genuinely compelled to write in months, caused such a controversy that people I didn't even know were my Facebook friends were commenting on it.

I. Love. Ruffling. People's. Feathers.

Who knew I was so damn important?

"Did you read my blog?" I asked my lover.
"No," he casually replied.
"Do you want to?" I asked expectantly.
"Naw," he answered.

And while my ego thought it should be offended, my heart was relieved and moved.

The last several assholes I "fell" for (meaning I was "emotionally manipulated by") were ob-se-ssed with my writing.
In fact, BOTH of them used it as a way to keep tabs on me, to follow my thoughts when they couldn't see me day to day and the fact that both of these men were married while doing so is really beside the perverse point.

My writing stirs something in people.
I'm no fucking genius.
But I piss people off and I inspire people and rarely is it some grey, noncommittal reaction that I instill.
You either love me or you hate me and the fact I leave nothing out and am entirely uncensored either intrigues you or disgusts you.

My blog nearly got me fired, nearly landed me a lead in a movie, allowed my lost love to keep tabs on me and became so overwhelming I stopped knowing what to write.

So is it really so surprising that when my current heartthrob casually showed little to no interest in something that friends and enemies have turned crimson over I almost instantaneously fell in love?

This kid is not like every other asshole looking to me to save him.
He's just some random guy who happens to be an overwhelmingly amazing fit for my overwhelmingly intense personality.

I'm not perfect in his eyes.

And it is so nice to be loved by someone who doesn't delude himself into believing I'm anything more than a passionate, crazy woman.
Even if he lacks the cojones to say it.

I'm sorry I'm not as ugly as you

Sometimes you need people in your life to suck so you're reminded of all that you aren't.
And to remind you that Facebook is a giant whore.

Cut to me.

I've become THAT girl.
You know who I mean.
The girl who gets in a new relationship and spends all her time with her new man.
I work. I sleep. I learn what the hell a bechamel is while my lover cooks dinner.
I've become one of those women I used to mock.
But I don't wanna.
He's just SO DREAMY.

So fine.
It's only been a few months.
I'm entitled to a little over indulgence.
After all, when was the last time I was in a serious relationship?
Don't answer that.

So there I am, alone in my fabulous new apartment, the whole evening free and
I literally have no idea what to do with myself.
I have a cocktail.
I have dinner.
I have another cocktail.
I have dessert.
I watch some favorite episodes of Will & Grace and contemplate unpacking the clothes I've yet to touch the seven weeks they've sat in my room.
But vodka informs me my energy is too busy keeping me from falling over.

So I notice the stack of untouched magazines sitting by my piano and pick up a copy of Vogue.
Since my whirlwind romance (and by whirlwind I mean after several months of casual dating we realized we actually kinda really liked each other) I hadn't invested quality time with my girlfriends Glamour, Elle, Lucky or Vogue.
And flipping through the glossy pages my eyes stopped in shock.
There was a picture of several Hollywood actresses in black evening gowns, gorgeous, intricate designs, the kinds of dresses I'd kill to wear.
Only riddle me this: None of the women had breasts.
We're talking NO curves. Of any kind.
The dresses hung stick straight off their emaciated bodies and in place of boobs were bony collar bones.
I know Hollywood has always had skinny mania but when did Cate Blanchet start looking like she stepped out of a concentration camp?
I found the image profoundly disturbing so like any self respecting american I published a photo of it on Facebook.
Along with my oh so humble opinion that it was no longer the roaring 20's and it's sexier when women's chests are bigger than their dates.
Ba dun dun.
*jazz hands*

I'm fucking hilarious.
Apparently I'm also fucking offensive.

Suddenly, because voyeurism is SO in right now, my Facebook wall becomes the platform for some self righteous feminist agenda from two bitches that AREN'T EVEN MY FRIENDS!
We weren't even friends in high school.
I wonder why.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I just can't be friends with ugly people.
I think their hideousness is contagious.

I'm sorry that my lack of pc courtesy is so terribly offensive to you but WHY ARE YOU EVEN COMMENTING ON MY WALL IN THE FIRST PLACE??
We're only "friends" because we used to avoid talking to each other in social studies class fourteen years ago and Facebook leads us to believe this connects us in some significant networking way.
Alas, it does not.
It merely allows assholes the ability to be raging pin heads while hiding behind their work laptops typing away judgement towards my propensity for being judgmental.

I have an opinion.
I'm sorry it differs from yours.
But blowing up my page with your verbal vomit is so lametastic.

Care to come to my place of business and say it to my face?

On second thought.
Please don't.
I really don't care to see your face.
I don't even look at the pictures on your Facebook page.

But I'm certain you looooooved reading this.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

I think we're just friends

"Your hair looks really red."

I thought about dying it dark again.
It was nearly black a year ago.
But I decided the red was me.
Not a lot still is anymore.

I don't write.
I've sat down and tried dozens of times but nothing ever comes to fruition.
It's like the thoughts are there but the words aren't.
It feels like I'm not a writer anymore and that makes me really sad.

A lot of things aren't anymore.
I performed in a staged reading of a musical and throughout the process realized performing is no longer my passion.
I felt indifferent during rehearsals and realized evenings spent at the theatre were no longer how I wanted my evenings to be spent.

I actually am not really sure how I want to spend my evenings.
I guess that's just something I am trying to figure out.
Maybe that's why I haven't been writing.
Writing was always something I knew.
I guess there's not a whole lot I do know.

I know that relationships are complicated.
Someone told me they don't have to be and the ones that are merely need to end.
I think if my relationships weren't complicated they'd be beige and I'd be bored.
Or maybe I'd just be single and complication free.

It's strange feeling yourself in the middle of a storm.
It's like, you can see the patch of blue sky in the distance but it doesn't change the impact of the rain penetrating your skin.
Eventually the rain subsides but you no longer see the rainbow.
Only grey.
Somewhere within you something stirs and a puddle of water forms in your eyes.
With eyes closed and one long, slow inhale, it evaporates.
You sigh with relief.
Moons fade to suns and everything is as it were.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A woman's obsession with an Egg Mcmuffin

I woke up this morning with a petite hangover.
A petite hangover is like a regular hangover except you don't feel like throwing up you just feel like greasy food.
For the first time since I frequently consumed happy meals, I craved Mcdonald's.
Shame thy name is Reese.

I haven't been to a Mcdonald's in so long that I actually had to search on Google for the one nearest me, something that made me feel a little less ashamed of my greasy guilty pleasure.
For whatever reason I wanted eggs and I wanted hashbrowns and I didn't want to have to sit down and tip.
I wanted my food and I wanted to go back to bed.

The ridiculous part of my drunken comedy was that it took me forever to get to the damn McD's.
See, the one nearest my house is on a corner where you can only enter it from one street.
So there is a giant sign that says "turn left at light" only apparently they mean your "other" left, or your Canadian left, because when I did "turn left at light" I ended up on a side that didn't have an entrance.
Whoever designed this confounded golden arches did not have hungover patrons in mind.

I turned around in a nearby shopping outlet thinking it would connect and I could enter from that side.
Alas, the parking lot ended and I had to make a giant circle to get back on the road to head back to the stupid Mcdonald's.

At this point I wanted to claim defeat and admit that my desire for an egg mcmuffin certainly was not equal to the amount of effort I was having to exert.
But my stubborn pride refused to give up.
I would figure out how to enter that damn parking lot and I would get my damn hashbrowns.

So I made a different left at the light (depending on what part of the intersection you're facing I guess this could be considered the proper left) and think I'm finally heading in the right direction considering the Mcdonald's is directly on my left but NO! I can't enter from that side of the road either!

What the deuce!
What kind of bloody fast food restaurant have you had your break today bullshit is this??
No, I haven't had my freakin' break! I can't even get to this awful place!

So I turn around YET AGAIN and am now going the other direction on the same stupid road and OH MY GOD I make a right turn and finally enter the drive thru.
I really wanted to tell the person taking my order that his employers are giant fucktards who constructed a restaurant at the most infuriating intersection in probably the entirety of the world but I realize it is a moot point because I will never be going here again.

I get my egg mcmuffin and hashbrowns and am pleased to report that in my petite hungover stage the greasy goodness is exactly what I craved.
I crawl back into bed and vow to never go to Mcdonald's ever again.

Some obsessions are not worth repeating.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Objects in mirror are far more unstable than they appear

I have a new admirer.
It's a total fluke, stumbling off a curb, landing in a pile of diamonds accident that I even met him at all.
I actually only agreed to meet him out of spite.

See, I also have a lover.
I'm a greedy, greedy girl.
And he is the bee's knees.
Gorgeous. Intoxicating. Intriguing.
He's my buddy and my orgasm inducer and I adore him immensely.
He's about as committed to me as Hugh Hefner is to anyone with boobs.
My passionate rendezvous leaves much to be desired.

It's not even the label, I crave, though it certainly is good for the ego to feel someone has claimed you.
It's not the feminine pride of being spoken for or the inane Facebook relationship status I'm after.
But simply, Clear. Concise. Consistent. Clarity.
It is difficult to relate to someone or play by the vague naughty rules if actions and words are at odds with one another.
Find me a man who says what he does and I'll show you my soul mate.

So, being immersed in a state of delicious uncertainty I found myself reacting irrationally.
I thought I saw something with some tart of a sprite so I did the only thing that made sound, reasonable sense.
I made a date that night with someone else.

You're shaking your head right now, I know.
Now you know how my entire family feels.

But in my spiraling state of zero control it seemed the sanest way to handle things.
Play or be played.
I refuse to ever again be any man's weeping ex lover.
You don't like me?
Then fuck you.
I've a sea of men waiting to be pleasured.

So on my way to my date I called my lover to make sure he knew exactly what I was up to.
"That's fine. Have a good time."
'Oh. Really? I hope you know I'm going to walk in there and he's going to tell me how beautiful I look and how amazing I am.'
"Yeah and he'll probably be really rich too."
'Yeah. And HUGE.'
"Mmhmm. And I bet he wears bow ties all the time. Sounds like the perfect guy."
'You make me crazy!'
"What am I going to do with you?"
And I hung up the phone with the emotional maturity of a tutu clad six year old wiggling her butt, tongue sticking out, chanting naa naa na na naa naa.

Oh I was going on this date and it was going to be fucking fantastic.
Or I was at least going to drink my weight in champagne.

Miracle of miracles, the date was surprisingly wonderful.
I was so indifferent about the whole thing that I was my most outrageous self without trying to impress.
He was older and intelligent and instantly taken with me.
He walked me to my car and made a point to give me two hugs.
Someone didn't want me to go.
And that felt incredible.

He texted me after the date and the next day when he had youtubed my movie trailer.
He asked for a second date and I was reminded of when I first went out with DB and was about as excited over that date as I'd been with this.
DB too, was captivated by me from the first night, following my online ventures, flattering me with texts to know I was on his mind.

It all felt so familiar, so right.
Another guy. Another infatuation.
Someone who actually knew what he wanted and went for it.

And yet, juxtaposed, because Timing is a most fickle whore, I grew closer to my lover in the same week than I had since we first met.
Maybe something was growing.
Or maybe I was holding onto something that never was.

But for the first time, since Prince Charming once crashed upon my fairytale, I had a man in my life who provided me the comfort to feel free to be me.
And that seemed to mean something, to count for more than compliments or paid dinners or relationship parameters as clear as the diamonds on my fingers.

I'd found someone I sincerely connected with.
And I realized I didn't care what he called it.
I knew it.
And I am far too savvy for any man to ever truly label anyway.