Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hey you. Yeah. I'm talking to you.

these seemingly insignificant exchanges weigh heavily
pulling on heartstrings
to play a chorus it had forgotten it longed to sing

I was initially flattered
and touched
even inspired and hopeful in some unconscious way

but inevitably
as ill fitting things are wont to inspire discomfort
the interpretation has left much to be desired

and suddenly it all seems so unfair
even mean
like everything I imagine love to be only in reverse

and I want to scream into the wind that it's not what I wanted,
this half way, this limbo of isolation
in hopes that the breeze would whisper in his ear, e-n-o-u-g-h

but what's a girl to do?
with no control
no power
no new lover to get lost in
no old love to forget because he always reappears

and for what?
for what poetry to bespeak?
but merely words
careless words
eagerly spilling
to bleeding ears

and all I want
all I ask
is for action
to replace
every well meaning ill timed misguided word

they no longer bring me joy

but he never sees
will never see
anything beyond the rims of his own glasses

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