Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Resa Chase

"Right now, you're pursuing me."
'What?? I....what? I'm not....what....you're crazy. I'm not pursuing you.'
"Well, maybe I want to pursue you. Maybe the guy likes to pursue."

If I had a twenty for every time a man told me I was too aggressive, I would have had enough money to buy the Chanel bag I've always wanted years ago.

You know the industry that's built on writing self help books and relationship guides for women clueless concerning men?
I'm their target audience.
I'm certain if the women who wrote The Rules and the guy who wrote He's just not that into you and the shrink who wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus were watching my life as a reality tv show, they'd all be cursing like sailors and throwing their bon bons at the tv screen at my blatant disregard for Dating 101.

I aim to entertain.

The thing is, I've read all those This isn't bullshit, He really does think differently from you books and I understand our different hard wiring and that men desire a chase and I desire to be chased.
I'm savvy.  I get it.
I do.

It's juuuust.......

You know how smokers KNOW they're destroying their lungs and increasing their risks of cancer but their addiction and thrill from those little white sticks makes that knowlege moot?
Or how everyone saw or at least heard about the movie Supersize Me and understands full well how horrible fast food is but still inhales it at least once a week?

My dating habits are kind of like that.

I hate waiting.
And I'm ALWAYS attracted to the men who move like molasses.
You know, the guys who are like, Yeah, maybe I'll call her, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll wait and see how I'm feeling later. Maybe I'll just wait 'till next week to call her. I mean, there's no need to rush. And I'm not really sure I'm ready for a relationship right now.

And I'm like, Hello!! I'm hot! You're cute! Let's get this party started!!!

I'm almost certain if I gathered every guy I've ever dated in the same room together they'd unamimously agree that their first impression of me was that I overwhelmed them.

We all have our gifts. And mine certainly don't include docility.

But there's something very poignant when I'm mere months away from a new decade in having a man look me in the eyes and tell me I need to simmer down.

Maybe it IS time my actions aligned with my knowledge.
After all, I do have such a stellar track record with dudes.
Perhaps a new tactic would be worth the effort.

"Well, you're probably not.....I mean......are you like this in all your relationships?  Do you pursue like this?"
I nodded slowly.
And then proceeded to hit my head repeatedly on the table.

Some things I'll never learn.
But some things just need to be drilled into my impatient brain.

And it's much easier listening to a handsome face than some know it all stranger in a book.

The Resa Way is not Always the Right Way.
But it certainly can be fun, for the moment.

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