Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Around the Block, One More Time

Being in a similarly changed place to where I was months ago is a bizarre coincidence.
New events have transpired.  I am, in effect, many moons from where I once was, yet after all the unveiled surprises I have returned to my starting point, come full circle and yet, still, returned.

There's comedy in that.

I'm so glad to no longer be in the specific stickiness of all that consumed me.  Why is it that every time I'm in a predicament time halts and all I know is what is happening in my now?

All I can say is I'm so thankful I'm so frequently WRONG.

If I had a dollar for every instance of my incorrectness I could buy myself a pretty stellar piece of jewelry. Instead of cutting off my hand when it offends I think I'll buy it something sparkly.  Then maybe it will be so distracted by its own beauty it will stop getting into so much trouble.

I went for a walk after work.  No more sugar comas once again, afternoon walks once again, quiet time, reading, writing, music, just as before.  It occurred to me that the book I was reading while he distracted me the night he made love to my phone was A Grief Observed. 
THAT is comedy.
And this grief has been observed and noted and placed on the shelf with all the other fairy tales.  It will always remain a book in and of itself, however unfinished.
Love can only be romantic if it is unfulfilled.

It felt strange to think on the number of days that had already passed, the number of months, too, from the story prior.  How quickly time hastens when we are distracted!  Fifty nine brief days before a new year revealed itself.  THAT was surprisingly incredible.  One thing to be said of years, they never possess biases over years past.  They are their own complete delights, predictable to no one, hindered by no man but Self.
And for possibly the first time in any of my time, I am getting out of my own way.
And oh, it feels delightful.

Mr. Dreamy didn't delight me with his presence today but 'tis no matter. 
Simply knowing of his possibility is enough for now.
And besides, there is always tomorrow.
And what a surprise that always seems to be.

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