Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I can see right through you

Even though the two new Starbucks' I'm working at are both nearly a half hour away from my previous one I have run into several old customers.  This one lady, someone I didn't quite recognize, didn't say anything until right as she was leaving and then she casually remarked, We miss you over at Bethany.  It caught me a little off guard because I hadn't placed her but it put smiles in my stomach knowing I was missed, knowing I had been seen.

That seems to be my theme of the week.

Today this guy is standing in front of my register and I swear I've never seen him before in my life and then he says, So what are you doing at this store we usually see you at the Bethany Village Starbucks.  My jaw dropped open I was so stunned.  I had no idea who this guy was and here he knew exactly who I was. 
You just never know who sees you.
I mean, people see you and you are unawares. 
You have no clue.

It's so funny the way people resist change.  They detest it.  My own brother used to say he didn't want to try something if he'd never had it before.  There's great meaning behind that, I'm sure.  Starbucks got these new programs for cashiering and are even changing the way they make drinks and the flow of things and people that work there are FREAKING out!  It's kind of hillarious.  See, I've worked at Starbucks on and off for 500 years and I'm used to all the change.  I also just don't really care.  My identity is not being a Barista.  So I really don't take personal offense when I can't do things the way I always programmed myself to.  I would think people would be glad they no longer are going to be robots at work going through the monotony without ever actually engaging the recesses of their brain.  But instead their panties are in a twist.  I totally imagined this one very wound tight girl at my old store who must just be dying over losing her beloved control in having things set in her ways.  It kind of makes me giddy with glee when I think about it.

What's really stellar is that I was supposed to work at two stores just through the holidays but the manager at my borrowed store loves me so much she wants to keep things this way.  And my home store manager is such a laid back guy he just wants me to be happy.  So I'm to permanently be a fixture at two different Starbucks, which means two different sets of coworkers, two clienteles, two very different kinds of stores. That is SO rad!  It is gonna be a lot harder to get bored with such variety.  And truthfully I am so thankful to even have a job I've been reveling in every moment, even the ones where I feel like Cinderella as I have to clean the toilet and mop the floors.  It's amazing what a little perspective can do for you.

I walked around the mall the other day and saw this young guy on a bench feeding a baby a bottle and trying to talk on his cell at the same time.  This pang of overwhelming emotion socked me in my gut.

I'm so freaking not ready to be a mom.

One of my coworkers is my age and has a toddler.  I came home from this draining day and thought of her.  And I thought, If I had kids I couldn't be laying on the couch right now, I'd be running around taking care of them.  Stepping out of my reverie I asked, Grandma, how do people have kids?  I seriously don't understand how it's even possible.  Grandma looked me square in the eyes and said, It's hard.
Funny, that's the same thing an old coworker told me about marriage, I'm not gonna lie, Resa, it's hard.

They really don't put that on Hallmark cards, though.  Can you imagine?

Congratulations on your wedding!  Now you will know the delightful hell that is marriage.  Don't be fooled by the initial great sex and shiny presents, you're in for the most exhausting rollercoaster of your life.  And sad to say, you're really kinda stuck on this ride.  And this ride only.  No Teacups or Round up or Octopus for you.  One rollercoaster.  Over and over again.  For freakin' ever.  But congrats!!

Oh, come on, that would totally be a big seller with the blue haired ladies that frequent Hallmark.


I like change.
I like the unexpected.
I like surprises.
I like it when people make my jaw drop in disbelief.
I like it when the butterflies dance inside of me.
I like that he still delights in me.  Especially after seeing what a loving bitch I truly am.
Few get to catch that in all its glory, 'tis a privilege indeed.

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