Monday, January 24, 2011


The other morning I awoke with the world's worst cold.
'Cold' is so not even accurate enough to portray exactly just how wretched I felt.
Unable to house the energy requirred to apply my lipstick, I sat down begrudgingly and called my store manager to inform him I would not, in fact, be coming to work.
I felt so bad I offered to call other stores to look for coverage.
And that's when I discovered the asshat recently promoted at my old stomping ground.

Are you AW-AA-KE? The new manager hissed at me with a condescension I hadn't seen since my last visit to Al Amir.
Well, I wouldn't be able to converse with you if I was comatose, would I?
Is this how he got promoted by being so damn charming?

It was gonna be a mansuck day I could feel it.

The crappy part was the last time I was that sick I was working for Manager Prince Charming who really IS charming and likely was promoted for sweet talking the district manager. (I heard it was done over margaritas at Juan Colorados and with a smile like his what woman could resist?  Cough)
Anyway, the disease poisoning my body made me miss him which was just annoying. 

The bad thing about getting along well with a boss is when you get a new one that you have an average-every-American-feels-indifferent-and/or-hostile-toward-their-boss repor it makes work less fun.
Dare I say less sparkly.
I remember years after working for a boss I lovingly refrerred to as Uncle Starbucks (if there was anything the guy wasn't enthusiastic about I never learned of it) and then heading to the land of Bitchy Narcissists a la Nordstrom and working for Maleficent Incarnate (for those of you not well versed in Disney that would be the scary-turns-into-a-dragon-villain in Sleeping Beauty).  In some ways I felt like Uncle Starbucks didn't prepare me for the villainous bosses that permeate the world.  And I think my old Manager Prince Charming may have ruined Starbucks bosses for me for life.
Damn him.

Being annoyed takes a lot of energy and this plague is zapping all of it out of me.

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