Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mmm, Sa-tis-fied

"I've gained ten pounds in the last couple months," a friend told me.  She said it dejectedly, as though she were an alcoholic admitting to polishing off a vodka fifth the night prior.
When she mentioned that I thought of my own last couple months and realized I think I've gained something like 10 pounds myself.  Do I have a scale?  No, but I can tell by the way my dresses fit.  Ten pounds is really not a whole heck of a lot but it's enough to notice how easily a zipper slides over your hips and for some women it can be the reason they order the fruit cup instead of the pancakes at brunch.
I also made another discovery.  Since gaining this weight I have been pursued by more men than I was ten pounds ago.  My point?  Unless you can look me in the eyes and honestly say that your goal to lose Ten-Fifteen-Fifty-seven pounds is for your own eyes, your health, your desire to run for breast cancer then don't skip the pancakes for the Mens, darling.  They either like you or they don't.  And fitting into a size six instead of your current twelve isn't going to be the magic spell that makes them fall for you.  Maybe you'll attract the undesirables who would only like you smaller.  Maybe you'll feel more confident because you'll be more comfy in your own skin and if that's the case I say more power to ya!
But most gals I know want to be a different size because they think the one they currently are isn't good enough and isn't desirable.
And that, well that just makes them "so pretty" for being so damn foolish.
So eat your damn scone and enjoy it.  And go for a walk with a friend and tell each other how beautiful you each are.  And look up at that incredible sky and marvel at all the things you've lived through under that same moon.
You're still you no matter what the tag says on your jeans.
Isn't it time you started appreciating that woman and stopped worrying about how others see her?
Maybe I'm attracting more men because I've learned to love this curvy gal, with her past mistakes and errors in judgment included.  And maybe love attracts love. 
Maybe when you're content alone with your cup of coffee that's when someone's gonna wanna join you and learn why you can't seem to stop smiling.

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