Thursday, August 25, 2011

I miss Beaverton

I've discovered the greatest flaw of living in the Lake Oswego/Tualatin area.
There are no liquor stores. ANYWHERE.

In the ho hum that is Beaverton there are liquor stores on every corner. 
They're like Starbucks. 
Because what do low to middle income families need in suburbia? 
Coffee and booze.

Why my sudden search for liquor, you might ask?
If you need to ask, clearly we don't know each other.

Actually I'm ill. 
And I have the worst illness a Resa can get: A sore throat.
As a singer, a talker, a loud mouthed overly opinionated pistol, having a sore throat to me is like cutting off an ankle to a runner.

I fucking hate having a sore throat. 

I always feel like whenever I get a sore throat it's God's way of telling me to shut up and listen.
I do talk way too damn much.
Which is why shy guys always love me.
So, you're welcome!

But the good news is that life near the Atlantic taught me a few things and one of those things was Blackberry Brandy.
Blackberry Brandy is like Dimetapp for adults.
It coats your aching throat, especially when warmed up, and it gives you a nice buzz so you're feeling too warm and fuzzy to feel wretched.
It is mana from heaven.
And I was on a quest to procure some.

But as I drove up and down the streets unable to find any liquor stores anywhere I began to feel like a crazy person. 
Normal people had their chicken soup or airborne, popsicles or orange juice.
I, like the alcoholism that dripped from my family tree, had brandy.

Do you know what Lake Oswego DOES have a lot of? 
Sushi restaurants. 
Sake.  Bleh. 
Why is raw fish more of a staple than booze in this well to do neighborhood? 
Do they all simply drink wine?

God bless my smart phone and its ability to navigate me to the one liquor store on State Street in Lake Oswego. 
I literally swerved my car into the parking lot when I finally found it. 
I kind of wish my life were a reality tv show because I know I looked like insanity behind that wheel.

I finally got home and prepared my hot water and brandy drink and sighed a sigh of relief as the syrup coated my throat.

Sometimes I really do miss living other places.
In that moment, I even missed Newport.
I think I was delirious.

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