Monday, August 8, 2011

See Dick Run. Run Dick Run.

I have a new friend.
Let's call him Dick.

He's actually a terribly sweet guy so the unlikely juxtaposition of a nice guy being named Dick suits me.
I loathe predictability.

I don't know Dick very well but what I have determined is that he should be a spy.
He's more observant than my Father was when I'd come home at one o'clock in the morning.

"Daddy, we were just talking."
'That boy sure likes to talk a lot.'

Most boys do.

Dick has this ability to make me overwhelmingly comfortable and nervous all at the same time.
I find such dichotomy intriguing so I'm pretty sure Dick and I are meant to be life long friends.

He's attentive and complimentary, honest and a little shy and there should really be more men like him in my life. 
There should be more men like him in every woman's life.

"I don't know any other people who are like you," he told me.
Little did he know, that was about the highest praise a Resa could get.

Dick is a testament to the fact that things are rarely ever what they seem.
And that Timing continues to be one temperamental bitch who doesn't give a damn about your priorities.
She has chaos to cause and she doesn't care where the pieces scatter.
So long as the players are willing.

And I always am.

I really do like to run.

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