Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the world keeps turnin round.

I went on a date the other night.

I was pretty stoked because it was someone I went to college with and I have this belief that when people come back into my life from the past it means they're significant.
Why else would our paths need crossing again?

You know what a hopeless romantic I truly am.

He was terribly shy.
I mean, I'm always drawn to shy guys but he was like, supra shy.
The Duke of Shy Town.

I had a really good time.

It's curious, but when I'm around someone I don't know but used to, or maybe I never even knew them I just knew who they were, we both seem smehow more comfortable being around each other. 
It's like this undercurrent of knowing somehow we're still safe.

My friend told me today she thinks sometimes people don't come into our lives until we're ready for them.
I think in those rare instances people do still enter stage right before we're ready.
But I think that's only when people like me are making the entrances.

I'm kind of a lot to be ready for, you know?
You do.

I thought it was fitting I got my Adieu before all these new things started happening.
Like I didn't even know I needed that door locked.
But once it was my summer came alive.
Alive with possibility.  With hope and peace.
And maybe even a little love.

Life's crazy like that.
Sort of like love itself.

"Life is crazy.
Love is life."

And the world continues spinning even when my feet forget to move.

I'll stand glued to one spot looking up at the sky, smiling at the planes that fly over head, counting the stars.
Sure that one day I'll understand all that I see.

And trust you will too.

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