Sunday, November 20, 2011


You were in my head last night.
I don't know what you were doing there.
It had been a really long time.
And I really thought it'd be someone else I'd be thinking about.
But it was you.
You invading my thoughts, your face appearing in my mind when the lyrics were sung.

My mind had to be playing tricks on me

Why else would you be there?
What purpose could you possibly serve?
And are you ever going to leave me alone?

I've loved others, you know.
I've wanted other men and other dreams and other kisses that resulted in shooting stars.

And yet these moments exist, these dark little corners of my mind where light suddenly shines, and you are always there.
And my heart twists with this sharp pain and causes water to spill from the corners of my eyes.
And I wonder about you.
How you are, if you're ok, if you're happy.
If you'll ever write me.

At the end of the song the lights were flashing around the ballroom and they stopped on the disco ball overhead.
And it looked like a million stars were everywhere.
I realized how long its been since I looked at the stars.
And I thought wherever you are, you're watching them.
Because that's how you are.
At least, that's how I remember you to be...

I'm certain I'll never know the difference.

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