Thursday, April 7, 2011


I think I'm part feline.

Emily Dickinson and Henry Wodsworth Longfellow, they would be the cats of the house, sleep all the time.  Sometimes I leave the house for hours at a time and return to find them still snuggled in the same spot on the couch.  Sometimes Henry even has his paw lovingly wrapped around Emily.
It's times of such quiet intimacy I want to squirt them with water.
The damn cats are getting more action than I am.
Something's rotten in the state of Lake Oswego.

And I'm not sure what it is but I keep finding myself so tired.  The other morning I woke up at 8am on my day off, feeling mostly rested but thought, I'm not quite ready to get up.  So I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep for three and a half hours.
You must have needed it, Grandma concluded.
I guess.
But why am I so bloody tired all the time?

If I am part cat then this kitty's addicted to java.  I admire those people who have real energy in the morning.  They're the ones who run every day at 6am and get more things done before 10 than most people complete all day.  I got up and ran at 6am for a couple weeks.  I felt like I was gonna vomit all over the sidewalk I was so exhausted.  The best part of early morning jogging?  The number of people in my neighborhood I caught in their underwear.  ROBES, folks.  Invest in one.  Though nothing like scaring the bejesus out of the well to do silver haired man at the end of the block who I caught THREE times.  I think he was just showing off.  Get 'em with your bad self, sexy Grandpa.

I don't know how I'd function if I quit coffee.  I love watching the transformation of you before you've had coffee and then after, my co worker told me.  It's AMAZING.  It is really hard to be nice when you're not awake.  It is also hard to pretend to give a damn when you feel anything but.  I had a class this morning and couldn't even focus my eyes to look at the teacher and feign interest to be engaged.  I could not possibly smile and nod with my eyes half closed so I just zoned out and tried to occassionally bob my head in agreement.

I don't know that any of this is normal.
I know normal is relative but I feel like if I were a kid I'd be taken in to the doctor to see if I had some blood deficiency or something. 
I can hear my brother thinking, eat some meat!  Bah.  Eat it yourself. 
I haven't been tired for the last 8 years just the past month.  I blame Nordstrom.  There is no zoning out allowed.  No auto pilot there.  Thus my reserves of energy are being zapped before I even get home.  I rarely am even up to dance when I'm actually able to go.

'Tis eerie indeed.

But sometimes there's nothing more comforting than little lace pjs snuggled under piles of fuzzy blankets and just giving in and napping like Sir Henry and Lady Emily.

Sometimes you need to give in and indulge in something a little wicked.
Sometimes you need to just listen to your body and fall in.

I'm purring already.

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