Saturday, June 4, 2011

Awkward Moments with a Hot Guy, Part 1

Sometimes being around a beautiful person can make you nervous.
You won't know what to say, you'll stutter and mix up your words.
And your face may even turn a cherry sort of shade.

I'm not that kind of person.

I'm usually irrationally comfortable around strangers no matter how drop dead gorgeous they may be. 
Call it acting, call it my deluded sense of self worth, but I don't generally get tongue tied around people.

Apparently the other night I was playing the role of the wacky neighbor who drops by to interject some idiot remark and then leaves so everyone can laugh.

There are these hunks that work behind the scenes at my job and while they're not really my flavor, they're still enjoyable to look at.  They're a little too Abercrombie and I prefer my men more J.Crew. 

So I went back to their area to drop off some things.  Usually when I'm around an attractive man I like to engage in some playful banter, perhaps make some coy comment while batting my eyelashes.  In this instance I'm pretty sure my inner sex goddess was hitting her head against the wall with my failure as a seductress.

Oh, you already boxed everything up?  Should I just leave my crap right here?
Yeah, go ahead, I'll deal with it in the morning.  Just leave your crap there.
I always do.


I've never actually heard men tittering before but they were.

I walked away and made this facial expression to myself of confusion and bewilderment.
Did I really just say.... I always.... leave.... my crap?!

Lame, Reese.
BEYOND lame.

Apparently even the most articulate vixens stumble upon an awkward moment or two.
And with a hot guy, no less.

I am ashamed.

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