Friday, June 24, 2011

Your ex doesn't like you and nobody cares

I've decided that women talk about their exes way too damn much.

I'd like you lovely ladies to take a moment and think about how many times a day you say that twads name.

Now imagine all the other amazing things you could be talking about and thinking about and the relationships you could actually be forming and destroying all in the same amount of time.

Now I'd like you to smack yourself upside the head since I'm not there to do it for you.

What the hell is wrong with all of us anyway?!!

One girl I know talks so much about all her different exes that all of her girlfriends get so confused and aren't even sure what her current boyfriend's name actually is. 
Wait, which one is it?  No.  Really.  Which one.

I don't think it's a good sign when the folks who hang around you all the time have no idea which schmuck you're dating.  I'm fairly certain that means there are too many douche names falling out of your mouth and it's impossible to keep up.

I love my friends.  They are beautiful, creative, intelligent, strong women who somehow forget this and think the only worthwhile part of their personality is the idiot who dumped them. 

I realized how guilty I was of this myself when I got sick of the sound of my own voice uttering his name.

I may need to invest in shock therapy so that everytime I attempt to speak his name some electric volt sends currents making me shudder with regret.

Or at the very least I will smack myself upside the head.

We are fucking fantastic!

Why do we need some idiot holding our hand to remember this?

Just stop talking about it.
Not even for your sake.
But for everyone else's.

Because just like your ex, nobody cares.

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