Wednesday, December 21, 2011

tough, lover

There's this moment in the movie Burlesque when the Talented overcome the Bitchy.
Nikki, pissed that Ali, Miss Christina Aguilera, is going to dance her part tries to sabotage her performance by messing with the sound.
Only instead of making her look like an idiot, Ali is finally able to show them all her mad vocal pipes and get her dream fulfilled of starring in a show.

Watching this movie tonight, I couldn't help but feel akin to the fabulous Christina.

See, I not only had bitches trying to tear me down and feel without, I also had a guy try and tear me apart.

Only as Fate would have it, in spite of all their vile efforts, I am soaring higher than I have all year.

The drama that the haters at work tried to stir up has been upstaged by the fact I made Pacesetter, which is basically a fancy way of saying I was one of the years top sellers and as such, am recognized with an award that increases my pay, along with other benefits and is considered to be one of the companies highest honors.
And as a new employee, and working for a lower end brand it is not only next to impossible to make the cut it is also undeniably impressive.
I've got heads turning my way from all directions and they're noticing me.
"Wow. You made it? I didn't know that."
I work hard.
And I am good at my job.
And regardless of the lies some have tried to spread my performance outshined their hate.

Stars shine even brighter when darkness envelopes them.

And then there's the guy.
The brooding, calculated, deceptive DB.
He tried to make me feel wretched for caring with the heart that I have, for wanting to be restored when he wanted to be cruel.
I was so terribly wretched he even banned me from being in his life at all.

And then two short weeks after he cut the chord, I am being pursued by three different men.

Guess the jokes on you, asshole.

I found this sweet guy who can't keep his hands off me and another whose taking me out for the first time next week.
And just yesterday a handsome customer asked for my phone number.
"I don't really have an aunt I need to buy perfume for. I just thought you were cute and wanted to talk to you."

And while DB must imagine I sit here mooning over him, I'm already enticing complete strangers who make up stories just for a chance to talk to me.
And I'm already longing for another kiss from Guy's new lips who know exactly what I desire them to do.

And somewhere between the depressed fever that began my birthday and the warm glow I'm basking in now before Christmas, I am greedily anticipating the fireworks around the corner leading into New Year's.

The hateful can hurl their cruelty my way and bruise my heart continually.
And always, with a stubborness greater than they know, I will overcome.
And find ways to shine brighter, to gain new fans and open the eyes of strangers passing by.

You, doubters and cynics, the unloving and judgemental, have got nothing on me.

I shine.
And there is no denying the truth of that.

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