Saturday, September 3, 2011

And the word was truth.

I'm not really sure what prompted me to do it but I started reading through old Facebook messages.

I learned a lot.

I learned some folks had deleted their Facebook accounts.
Some had deleted me as a friend.
Some were conversations I'd forgotten I'd had.

And then I found a message I'd sent years ago that sent a shiver up and down my skin.
When I'd read the hate dripping from Narcissus' words I wrote him back this.

I still don't know how I was able to write what I did.
And it's pretty incredible to possess the capability to surprise yourself.

Coming from you, darling, that is the most beautiful truth that shall set me free. I'm glad to know the true character of your heart, habibi, as well as the other men in your life. Despite your obvious efforts to hurt me, you unfortunately, are powerless in affecting my heart. I have not felt more at peace in the longest I thank you.

I will forever hold the truth of your vulnerability, your need for love and respect, despite your mantra of "I don't need anyone" because I saw how broken you were after your falling out with your friend. But that's keep working hard at pretending you don't care and aren't affected and I will keep your secret safe.

And I will also continue to pray for you, to wish you the very best, though I know with all your talents and intellect you will continually find success. I know that you are a good man, despite all this toxic, venomous hatred.
I am getting to see first hand, your "flogging tongue" as you described yourself having years ago.
Remember when we went to Bella one Sunday evening in December? And you were so encouraging about my talents and gifts and how I should pursue them and not let anything hold me back? And you said to me, "you are so talented. I don't have talent like that." But you do. You have many wonderful gifts. Some are powers you choose to use to try and cause pain. And some are talents you possess to do the most incredible, brilliant things.

I know you will eventually see that, as I see and know the qualities to be there. And one day you will understand, why I am able to forgive you for all the foolish things you try to do to hurt me.

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