Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shut up and KISS ME!

I really like this guy.
Like, irrationally, nonsensically enjoy his idiocy.

He's so terribly wrong for me my rationale should set me straight and my crush should evaporate.
But I REALLY like him.
Like, he kissed me for the first time in DAYS the other night and I felt high.
I've never actually been high before but if it feels anything like that then I fully understand people's propensity for getting cracked out.
I'm totally jonesin' for another fix.

I even felt dizzy telling a friend about what had happened between us.
I put my head in my hands and groaned, Ugh. I just love kissing him.

Which would be swell except the pilgrim thinks it's best if we lay off the kissing for awhile.

All our lives we read books and magazines saying the same thing, our mothers warn us about the viles of men and how they only want one and one thing only.
And yet somehow, I always manage to find the guys who care too much about me to just be physical for physical's sake.
The frustration pent up inside me has grown to such astronomical heights if I were a cartoon there'd be steam coming out my ears.
At least someone would be coming.

It's fine, we all need to set boundaries for ourselves and I can respect them.
So long as I have not made love to vodka before seeing him.

But it is rare to find someone you can stand.
And it is even more rare finding someone who can stand you.
So to meet someone who seems to be amused by your crazy, who you can stand looking at and who magically seems to physically fit with you like some jigsaw puzzle?
Not literally, of course, I told you, he's a pilgrim.

It's such a gift!  Such a find!  Such an unexpected treasure chest of naughty goodness!

But no. No. No. No. No. no.
My relationships are never so overly simplistic.
They are convoluted, complex, chaotic comedies, is what they are.
I fucking love alliteration. I really really do.

So. Fine.
Just FINE.
I am not affected.
I'm not aching for his kisses.
His kisses are gross.
Freakin' sweet nectar of the gods makes your mouth water gross.

Damn him.

I need to find a new lover STAT.
Or I may just end up walking up to perfect strangers and start kissing them.

Somehow, I really doubt they'd mind.

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