Thursday, September 15, 2011

We shall see........

If the first time you talk to a guy he tells you he just finished reading a book on apologizing, walk away.
Or rather, put on your high tops and RUN.
Trust me.
Life is full of little warnings and omens but we're often too distracted to pick up on them.

Shame thy name is Reese.

It's not my fault!
Scripture says, Love always believes the best.
But does that mean I believe the best when everyone that loves me is telling me the dude's stench of douchiness is totally putting them off their latte?
I can't see someone's an asshat if I'm believing the best of them!
Come on, Big G, make up your mind!
You want me wise or you want me loving.
Because clearly it is unwise to love someone who merely wants to use me.

Unless it's from far away. Very. Very. FAR. Away.
Where I can "Pray for you," as they say.
But not have to SEE you.

Someone pack my angry eyes. And the monkeys.

I hate unresolved conflict. 
I don't know how people can just disappear and never talk to those they feel conflict with. 
I would LOVE to do that! 
I would love to hit that button that turns off all passion, all animosity, all hurt feelings and disappointments and replaces uneasiness with indifference. 

But I'm not like that. 
I want truth. 
I want freedom from deceit. 
I want the privilege of looking into their eyes and seeing everything they fail to hide.

I'm just that good.

I hate it when people suck.

I have this one girlfriend, bless her heart--that's southern for, Fuck her for being such an asshole--and this girlfriend always flakes when we make plans. 
It has gotten to the point that if we make plans I will literally make plans with someone else because I know she is going to bail. 
Because she forgot or fell asleep or ran into her ex boyfriend and promptly had to do him in his car. 

It would stand to reason that since our friendship lacks, well, any sort of friendl-i-ness, I should cease contact. 
But when you've known someone as many years as we have it seems really hard to suddenly be like, As a person you suck.  And I've no time for such suckage in my life.  Feel free to forget I exist.

Sadly, they kind of already have. 
It's not even worth the effort.
It just is.

I would like you to remember Resa's are a privilege, not a right.

But I'm so bad at keeping my thoughts to myself.
I just wanna scrawl out a note on pink construction paper and tape it to their door.

I hate to bother you..
But I just thought you should know.
You kind of suck.
I'm certain you're already aware.
But now, so am I.

You know you're angry when seeing their name in print makes you suddenly throw your bag of rolos across the room.
Rolos are amazing and should not be reserved for the likes of prebuscent future douche monkeys.

I'm thinking of seducing his best friend.  Should at least make for an interesting blog.
And really, what more can I ask for?
Certainly not genuineness.
That's reaching for the moon.

And it kinda sucks because the spell has been broken. 
And I liked the way things looked on the other side of the looking glass. 
People walked upside down and sang songs on guitars and hope danced between the eyes of their hearts.

Bless his heart.
His deceitful fucking heart.

But the jig is up. And so are the blow jobs.

Thanks for the blog fodder, asshole.
At least you got what it seems you set out to get from me.
Glad I could be of service.

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