Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'll take lies he told me for 500, please

It baffles me how people I don't know, people I don't even particularly care for possess a power to rattle me.

 I saw a friend the other night I hadn't seen in months.  We had worked together and she had been there for quite some time and as such was quite loved.  When people like you they will tell you things.  They'll reveal little nuances about themselves and sometimes say more than they ought to.  And my sweet little friend's ears have endured an ongoing diatribe on one topic in particular: Yours Truly.

It seems I am oh so very important!  How lucky for lil' ol' me!  Even after months have passed I'm still the hot topic on everyone's lips.  Why thank you ever so!  Apparently they all really have nothing more happening in their lives than the scandals of this irresistible goddess.  Perhaps their ongoing fascination of all I was involved in, their need to discuss it at great lengths is really a reflection of their desire to be involved in something so titilating and exciting themselves.

But maybe I'm hitting too close to home on that one?
I'll just come back to that.

There were two parts of my friends story that were shocking:.  One was the accurate details of my personal life Mr. Pastor knew about. (Yes, the one who is slandering me more than nearly anyone else, other than perhaps The Ogre, is a pastor.  Let us all take a moment and pray a protective prayer over any of the unfortunates who are counseled by this so called "man of God."  A man of god I might add who gossips and slanders God's children rather than show love and compassion toward them; a man who steals from his work place but considers the sins of others unforgivable because he's blinded to his own...but I digress).

Mr. Pastor revealed to my friend such intimate details that I hadn't even told my closest girlfriends about which means he heard them all from one source and one alone.  My jaw simply fell open upon hearing her repeat the details.  I couldn't believe they were being discussed.  And altered, I might add. 

You want to brag to all your homeboys about how you scored with me?  Go right ahead, honey.  I know my notch in your bed post was a HUGE deal to you.  But you're going to lie about what transpired?  Oh-hoh-ho, I don't think so.  Why don't you put on your big boy pants and take ownership for your own idiotic choices.

Match.  Point.

Mr. Pastor not only spent an odd amount of time discussing me with my friend but she said he kept making these comments that made her feel like he seemed to have his own hidden issues.  Did you know he's getting unemployment now and getting more money than he did when he was working?  Maybe I should have an affair!  Mr. Pastor shared.  My friend said she just frowned at him and he chuckled, Oh I'm just kidding!

Yeah.  Surely.  Hardy har har.  And how does that proverb go....out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks?  So what comes out of us is already in us to start with?  Hmm.  Oh, but you're just talking obsessively on these various topics that don't involve you to catch up with your dear friend. 

I see it all too clearly now.

Well, God is a god of justice and He will surely deal with this hypocrite accordingly. 
God speed, Mr. Pastor.  May you truly learn a renewing compassion and tender love for mankind once God has shattered your hubris and broken you down so he can rebuild you.

Good. Times.

The other thing that was surprising to me was how greatly this passive, short lived friend of mine came to my defense with the several people she said were slandering me.  The Ogre told her, I hate her because she ran off the nicest person I know to Alaska.  You can't get further away than Alaska.  And my friend responded by telling The Ogre, When I was sad and lonely in Maryland, she was the only person calling me, writing me, sending me a care package for my birthday.  You couldn't even write a card to put in the care package!  The Ogre, quick to his own defense responded, Well, that's because it was from her

I just laughed.  Because I'm the Devil.  And if the Devil is doing something loving then obviously he couldn't participate.  Because, well, I'm so very evil, of course.

It's nice to know that while men think they're stronger than women physically, that they excel above us intellectually, that we're the weaker sex, that we need relationships and they do not, yet when it comes to choices in their lives, with their own actions, they suddenly declare themselves too weak to decide and blame any choices made on the influence of women.

I had no idea I was so very powerful over so many poor, weak minded, unsuspecting B-O-Y-S.

Maybe I can start a club and teach women how to harness their inner wiles for evil and move the puppet strings on the men unfortunate enough to cross their paths.

Or maybe I can laugh that so many "men" are really insecure, little boys who need me FAR more than I ever needed them.

Let us remember who pursued whom.
Who mounted whom.
Who is STILL pursuing whom.

What is final statements for 500.


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