Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's not raining, it's POURING

There are some expressions that are over used.
Contrived.  Chestnuts, if you will.
Some I know and love and some I'll never understand.
(And no, I won't Google them because I like having no idea why the hell people continue saying such expressions.  It is much more fun lifting one eyebrow and gazing at them suspiciously as I marvel over why they couldn't find their own creative words to say what they meant).

But ladies and gents, there ain't no other way to say it....

It's raining men!

I've decided God must have a most wicked sense of humor because there were no men to be found all those months I spent trying to get over Mr. Volcano (formerly known as Mr. Indecisive and yes, sometimes I forget and regress to old nicknames but rest assured there is one and only one Mr. Indecisive/Mr. Volcano/The Alaskan.  See PETER PAN COMPLEX.  No other BOY could house so many personalities.  Believe me, I know.  I've dated all his brothers).

But when I wanted a date?  Wasn't gonna happen.

Now?  I'm stoked about the option of newness but frankly could care less. 
And there. are. men. every. corner. I. turn.

You think God doesn't have a few tricks up His sleeve?
Oh-hoh-ho but He does, my friend.

Case in point:

Friday was a day I made a decision seemingly insignificant but something I'd felt conflicted about for the past week or two. I felt I wanted one thing that really kinda conflicted with what the Big G probably wanted me to do (Damn flesh wanting all it can get and my Goodie two shoes spirit crying, 'But you know that's not what's best!' Grrrrr).  So, I rolled up my Big Girl sleeves and made the mature decision and said no to something the naughty, trouble making Resa was pissed to miss out on. 
And within a few hours two things happened.

One, I found out from an old co worker via Facebook that Clinique is looking for new talent and after messaging her it turns out Nordstrom is looking to fill a full time position in cosmetics.  I used to work for Nordstrom and have wanted to get back into cosmetics for YEARS. 
Is this job going to be meant to be and work out?  I have no friggin' clue.  But I DO know I didn't find out about it until AFTER I'd been obedient about something I really didn't want to be obedient about.  Coincidence?  Abso-fuckin-NOT.

Two, a guy I'd met MONTHS AGO (See Four) and totally felt an attraction to but nothing ever came of it asked me out.  That day.  After all that time.  Completely out of the freakin' blue. 
Again with the coincidence?  I don't care how cynical you claim to be you've got to be on this band wagon with me!!

What are the odds, folks?!

Will I get the glamorous, high paying full time position at Nordstrom?
Not a clue.
I may not even land an interview.
Truth be told?  I worked for Nordstrom and have since then interviewed five different times, 3 different locations, 5 different departments. 
No. Dice. 
Clearly if it's not meant to be it ain't happening.
BUT I could be given favor.  I could land an interview.  I could dazzle their socks off. 

The fact is the possibility of such an occurrence is amazing to me.  In and of itself.  Regardless of the outcome.

And the new Romeo?  Could be a total dud.  Maybe there'll be no zsa zsa zsu.  Maybe I'll look at my watch mid way through the date and long to be at home with this laptop.
Or maybe he'll dazzle my socks off.

And if he doesn't? 
I've already been asked out on ANOTHER date. 
By ANOTHER stranger.
In the last 24 hours.

Because God is just that damn entertaining.

And tomorrow's Valentine's Day and you know I would be surprised at nothing that may or may not happen.

Maybe Prince Charming himself will walk through those doors with flowers and a letter of reference for me because even after everything that happened I know he'd probably give me one of the most glowing references I could ask for.  Even if everyone else thinks I'm a nut for even asking for one.

Maybe the Russian will sense my overwhelming desirability and ask me to share some vodka with him.

Maybe Mr. Dreamy will walk through those doors after all this time and I won't even bat an eye in surprise because ANYTHING. IS. POSSIBLE.

It would take me days and hours to try and write all that has transpired in the last year and the fact that I am where I am, right now, sans all that I once held dear, stronger than I ever knew I could be, content in all that has been taken away, is a testament in and of itself.

So why don't you do me a favor. 
Step outside and look above you. 
At all those stars and those airplanes flying overhead and take a deep breath.

And marvel over the immeasurable, unlimited greatness of His power.
To those. Who. Believe.

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