Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I think one of the reasons I love talking to my Mother is because we think alike.  And we think in a way that contrasts greatly from the rest of the world.  We're the kinds of gals who believe the best no matter how many times the worst tries to prove us wrong.  If rose colored glasses were actually visible then I'm pretty sure Mother and I would have pink sparkly eyes.

Oooh!  Pretty!!

Recently I was left an unexpected gift.  It was from someone I haven't seen in ages and the eyebrow raising part of it was that the gift was something I'd given them.  It's possible they forgot I'd given it to them as a present to keep since time had passed but that was unlikely. 

I really believe they're far too savvy to be quite that forgetful.

So, understandably, receiving the item left me in a state of confusion.
And because I like to talk things out I asked several people I'm close to their Oh so humble opinions.  And the only thing they could agree on was that they didn't know.  But most of them didn't know with a sinister under tone.

My Mother was the only person other than myself who saw the love behind the gesture.

But like I said we'd find good in a hopeless situation.
It's our lot in life.
And I wear my faith with a smile in my eye, thank you.

Mother said, You know he is special.  And that the gesture was to say all that words failed.

And I thought even if we were both radically wrong, I was glad Mother and I saw eye to eye.

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