Monday, February 21, 2011


I had this dream.
There was a man.
The kind of dreamy that makes me hold my breath in awe.
And our eyes met.
And the attraction was instant.


And when he spoke his tone was direct, without pretense, agenda or deceit.
He was sincere.

And he didn't call.
And he didn't text.
And there was no Facebook, or apps or gadgets involved.
It was much more basic and primitive than that.
It was pheromones and lust and an awareness that something intoxicating existed within this person.
And it would be impossible to ignore.

So action needed to be made.
And he braved the challenge.
And spoke what he felt compelled to speak.
And it brought a permanent smile to my crimson lips.
And I wasn't even surprised that I felt so comfortable, so at ease, around a stranger.
Someone who seemed to know.
And that was all I needed.

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