Thursday, February 17, 2011

When the mind is on the moon

I had one of those moments tonight that caught me off guard.
The kind where I forget myself.
And I don't even notice I've slipped away.

I remembered for a moment how you always made me smile.

I put on a cd I hadn't listened to in a long time. 
And this song came on that had always made me think of him, that kid I once knew so well. 
I held so much faith in him then. 
I was like a child, incapable of believing the worst. 
I think that must be my greatest and worst quality. 
Leave it to me to be such an enigma.

I stopped at a traffic light and I noticed the moon. 
It was overwhelmingly bright. 
And the music played and a smile overcame my face. 
I remembered being huddled on that couch and the movie intro played in the backgound over and over. 
And we just sat there, looking at each other. 
He just sat there with this silly grin on his face, smiling like a fool. 
I remember feeling like I was holding my breath because I didn't want the moment to end. 
And I was afraid I might wake up.
It was one of those moments I believed held our truth. 
And I knew he finally saw it. 
It was impossible not to.
And I knew nothing could really come between us. 
Because the love we shared was unearthly. 
And I believed in it with all my heart.

And then I fell back to now.
And I remembered.
And all that once seemed to be is now a montage of images, like the movie that was ours, the Montauk where we'll never meet.

But I still have the memory.
And it brought a smile to my face finding it still lived there.
So there's that.

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