Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Mountains that Move for You

I say to the mountain be lifted up and tossed in the sea.
And I do not doubt in my heart.
I believe what I say will take place.
And it is done for me.

And God loves us and as His children he sometimes needs to discipline us.  When we ignore the soft whisperings inside of us he let's things and people mold us and shape us.  He is constantly trying to mold us in His image and prepare us for what lies ahead.

It's so hard to remember all that awaits beyond the right now.  And even that is a riddle.  I should not reflect over my past, remembering the former things.  I should not focus my eyes on the future.  I should embrace all that is today in this moment, every opportunity, every possibility, every way He desires to use me and with whom.  But sometimes He breaks the Shoulds to awaken something new, to shake the unshakeable, to break down the mountains that stand in our way.

And there are times when considering the things of old can comfort.  I looked over the pond and thought about all I'd endured and survived, the buckets of tears that had long since dried up, the shattered illusions that paved roads for truth.  And all that is now, all that is yet to be, cannot diminish how far I have come.

I am capable of so much more than I ever thought possible.

And so are you.

Buried beneath the doubt and insecurity, the misgivings and uncertainty, lies one unlike any other, one who is not only strong enough by His grace but is capable of all he doesn't see in himself.  Perhaps He gave me eyes to see the treasures buried amongst the seemingly without so I could reassure them, you too are enough and so worth it all, the wait, the patience, the forgiveness, the trust.

Open your eyes, darling, and see the emerald inside of you.

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