Thursday, March 10, 2011

Get Bold

Don't you know that anything you have to keep a secret is not a wise choice?
And God knows.
So who you done hidin' from anyhow?

(I get a little southern when I'm feelin' preachy, so just bear with me and embrace the sass in my imaginary Georgia accent).

The thing about faith is you have to believe.
You can't just say, Oh yeah, sure, I believe in God.  I believe He can make miracles happen.
And then tie yourself in knots trying to make something be that you know very well isn't likely to be the will of the Big G.

Come on now.

You have to trust with blind faith.  You've got to say, Alright, things right now don't seem so great.  I don't seem to be gettin' what I want anytime soon but I KNOW that I know that I know that You, all powerful, Almighty can make the impossible possible.  And when I learn to truly delight in You then I'm gonna get the desires of my heart.

That doesn't sound too shabby, does it?

Another important point I think those not cloaked in boldness as I am forget, You have not because you ask not.
You want something that seems an impossibility?
Start praying about it!
ASK for it!
And if it requires permission from your other half to do so then ask them!
Ask God to give you the words to communicate your desires to them.
Ask God to give them compassion and insight to understand the true motives behind your desires.
Go ahead and ask them if we can all meet for drinks.
Be bold.
So much could happen.

Need I remind you of what happened after I obeyed a prompting to write a letter to my father confessing the truth of why I moved.  And what I needed from him.
Mountains.  Moved.
And what if I'd just claimed the impossible to be as such?

You want change?
Then you have to change.
You have to get off your cute lil' rear and start living each day differently.
You have to be the one to apologize first.
You have to be the one to pray more and criticize less.
You have to remind yourself I may not be where I need to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be.

God's will shall be done. 
No matter how much we gum up the works.
So why don't you ask for what you want, learn to be content while you wait to see if you'll get it and trust if you DON'T get it, then it's for your own good.

Seven months ago I wanted something so badly with every little ounce of love in my heart. 
Oh how I wanted what I wanted! 
And I didn't get it.
Not even close.
Kind of the antithesis, actually.
Ooh and I was so stinkin' mad! 
Can I just get something for me?!! I remember whining.
2010 was all about getting nothing I wanted.
The Princess had to retire her crown.

But it sure taught me a whole heck of a lot.
Can I tell you I'm pretty certain I was saved a whole lotta heartache and drama by NOT getting what I so very badly wanted.

I also auditioned for a play 5 months ago.  The first show I'd auditioned for in months.  The first one I'd been genuinely stoked for.  And I rocked my callbacks.  I wasn't playing the character, I WAS the character.  And I didn't get it.  And you know?  Somehow a part of me wasn't surprised.  I was getting pretty good at bouncing back from disappointment.  Bring it!  I thought.  Ain't no man, no thing, stealin' my joy!

And I got a notice about that very same play with the performance dates.
Wouldn't you know it, if I'd been cast in that play, that very same one I wanted oh please oh please oh please, can't I just have something for me?
I wouldn't be able to attend my movie premiere in 2 weeks.
Something that is FAR more important than any Lake Oswego play.

Funny how things work out.

So stop pretending and start believing.
And you'll find through Him you'll make mountains crumble.

You know what impossibility I'd love?
I'd love my friend to be at my movie premiere, with his gal on his arm.
And that?
Well, that right there is crazy talk.
But I'm still gonna ask for it.
And be ridiculously happy whether I get it or not.

Cuz I know that He gives me the true desires of my heart.
Cuz I most assuredly delight in Him.

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