Thursday, March 10, 2011

Something's Gotta Give

I have never lied to you. I have always told you some version of the truth.
The truth doesn't have versions, okay? 

Will you cut me a little slack? My life has just been turned upside down.
Mine too!
Well, then let's just each get our bearings.
I don't want my bearings. I've had my bearings my whole goddamn life. I feel something with you I never really knew existed. Do you know what that's like, after a 20-year marriage to feel something for another person that is so...? That... Do you know what this is?
This is heartbroken.
You're killing me.
I just wish that it had lasted more than a week.
Me too.
That is a terrible thing to say. You know, the life I had before you I knew how to do that. I could do that forever. But now look at me. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do with all this?

You know what. If it's all right with you, I'd like to be friends.
Friends? I'm not ready to be your FRIEND!
Fine, I understand.
And anyway, do you really buy that horseshit that a man and a woman can be friends after they've had sex?
I'm friends with my ex-husband but then again, we didn't just have sex.
We didn't just have sex either.
Then what was it? I'd love to know.
Can I email it to ya when I figure it out?  I think I'm entering into another phase with this thing. I'm mad at you.
I think I'm mad at you too.
Good, because I don't LIKE thinking about you all the time and worrying about how you are...
You... worry about ME?
Yes, honey. The schmuck, who deserves to die, worries about you. Sometimes worrying about you feels like a full-time job.
Well I'm doing just fine, so you don't have to work that shift anymore!


  1. hmm...this interaction confuses me a little... An explaination please?

  2. I watched this movie the other night, "Something's Gotta Give." It is dialogue from two different scenes in the movie. It's poignancy was too potent not to share.
