Saturday, March 12, 2011

Who who what what?

People make no sense.
No, y'all don't.
Especially when it comes to friends and foes.

I found out someone I'd assumed blocked me on Facebook actually hasn't.
And someone I didn't expect to block me has.

Why is it the people you think still care about you don't and the ones you thought merely used you care more than the ones you believed loved you?  Why do I never hear from the kid who wanted so badly for us to be different and I know I'll always hear from the one who said he was to have nothing more to do with me ever again?

Come to think of it, why do men keep saying that to me?

My brain is getting dizzy.

I can forgive anyone.
Yes, it may take some time but I'm learning pretty quickly that the only way to be happy is to release anger so it doesn't fester into bitterness and resentment and steal my joy.

But one thing I may never be blessed with is understanding.
I will never understand why Mr. V turned out to be the villain and PC turned out to be the one who cares.
Backwards, I tell you!  Backwards!

I am starting to believe men are not simply as black and white as the girly books would like us to believe.

I don't get it.
But I refuse to exert too much energy trying to crack the case.

They either love me or love me not.
And if they love me not?
I am so sorry for your loss.

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