Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Application

Dance Experience
I took dance for probably about 15 years or so as a kid.  I was on the dance team in high school and have danced in a lot of musicals throughout the last decade for professional theatre companies including Broadway Rose and The Lakewood.  I stopped taking dance the last part of high school because when you're in marching band, choir, theatre and dance, something's gotta give.  I stuck with choir and theatre and retired my flute and dancing shoes.
Discovering Diva Den in January has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me.  I love dancing again.  I love that it can be a part of my adult life and that I'm just as passionate about it now as I was when I was 11.  If I have a stressful day or some asshat broke my heart or everyone in the universe is getting on my nerves because I'm having the worst PMS of my life, I can go to dance class and smile for an entire hour.  I love having dance as an outlet.  It makes me feel confident and energized.  And while I know they say it's best for our bodies to have a "day of rest" I wish I could be dancing every day because I miss it when I don't.
I live to inspire people.  I love music.  I play the piano and I sing.  I act.  I dance.  I write.  I love to read.  I love God.  I love sex.  (Juxtoposed to make you smile.)  I also love making people laugh.  This is why I'm the comedian in my family.  I love men.  Which usually gets me in trouble.  I love making women feel beautiful.  I dream one day of being a personal shopper.  I hope to write a book that will be published.  I plan on writing about the idiotic choice I made last year.  This dance studio helped me find a new identity after recovering from that idiotic choice.  I love having an audience.  In everything I do I strive to walk in love.
Hidden Talents
I am an opera singer.  I studied music and theatre in college and used to dream of performing on Broadway.  I've spent the last decade performing in local theatre, musical theatre and film.  My breakout film role in "Little Blue Pill" premieres at the Hollywood Theatre on March 26th.  I was Elle Bentley, the Buxom Blonde.  My 'ladies' got me the role.  They are also one of my talents.  Not so hidden, though.  I'm becoming a pretty keen writer, in my oh so humble opinion.  I started a blog last year at the annoying persistent request of a friend.  Now there are actually people who 'follow' my blog and I hear every week from someone whose been influenced by what I write.  Inspiring others is my aspiration.  I specifically have it on my heart to inspire and encourage women.  I also secretly want every woman to rock red lipstick.  There's something empowering about red lips--people respond to it!  I have a contagious effervescence that forces nearly everyone I encounter to smile.  You're smiling right now, aren't you?  And I'm not even there!!!  Don't you wish I was??
Why do you want to dance for Dolled Up?
I live with my Grandma.  She told me a story recently recalling a time we went to visit her in Eugene when I was about 7 or 8.  She said I brought all these different kinds of dance shoes and dance costumes and announced I was going to dance for her.  She said she remembered it because of how determined I was about performing for her.  "You came prepared," she said.  "You had enough clothes in that suitcase for weeks and weeks and you stayed for a weekend."  It made me smile when she told me that.  I was telling her about these auditions and how much I wanted to be on the team.  But that I know if it's meant to be it will work out and if not, then I trust it won't happen for a reason. 
I'm a determined little lady.  If this was a reality tv show this would be the point where I turned to the panel of judges and poured my heart out about how much it would mean to me to be on the team.  I'd tell you that I'd consistently give it my all in every rehearsal and performance.  I'd open up about all the painful things that happened last year and how dancing again, for the first time in a very long time, has brought a new joy, a new love into my life.  I'd probably even get all choked up and start to cry.  I can be quite a girl at times.  I LOVE performing.  I LOVE dancing.  That story about me dancing for my Grandma is how I've been my whole life.  Whether it was singing or acting or being the funny entertainer in my family, I live for an audience.  I love knowing I'm responsible for putting a smile on someone's lips.  I know Megan would agree that I am definitely the ham of the girls at Diva Den.  I'm loud.  I'm opinionated.  Nothing about me is subtle.  And that would make me such an asset to the team.  I'm also a curvy size 12 who loves her body and that would inspire the women around me and in the audience who aren't a fit size 4.  But who would definitely agree with me that I am beautiful and I sure can shake it!
I pour my heart into everything I do.  I am so passionate about dancing and that will be so evident to an audience member whose lucky enough to watch me perform.  Their eyes will be drawn to me.  Because anyone who pours their heart into what they do as much as I do is captivating.  And what better person to put onstage than someone who wants to be there with every fiber in her being, whose been humbled by her poor choices and is so thankful for every day that is given to her.  And is determined that if she's onstage, her role is to put a smile on every face in that audience. 
In short, I not only would be a strong performer.  But I would also be the team morale cheerleader, encouraging everyone, continuing to be my silly, outrageous self and making sure everyone in class or at our events is inspired.

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile. and i wish you were here, cuz i sure could go for some honkin huge fluffy pancakes! A whole stack of 'em! But I wish you all the luck in your audition tonight and I can't wait to hear all about it! <3
