Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Role of "Friend, who is a part of my life" shall be played by....

To Whom it May Concern,

I had a thought.

Ok, so maybe I had several thoughts. 
When do I ever have a, implying singular, anything?
More is more, honey!
I digress.

The only way to right a wrong is to replace injustice with justice, to replace deceit with truth, to align your thought life with your actual life.
And choose not to allow yourself to meditate on anything that keeps you out of God's will.
Or that keeps you from telling all you love the truth.
And nothing but the truth.
So help you, stranger.

Secrets feel exciting.
They give you a rush like you're on the edge of something dangerous.
But highs give way to crashes.
And withdrawal is not so thrilling.
Even on the appealing.

I remember when I dated Jimmy I'm certain half the appeal was the fact we had to keep it a secret.
He was my manager and it was forbidden.
We were so sneaky!
But the store manager figured it out anyway.
Those who feel they embody the stealth of a cat are often as transparent as my skin.

Eventually those you most greatly fear are the very ones who will unveil the truth.

No bueno.

I want so much more for you.

So I propose a new script, Restoration: Chapter One.

If the rumor mills have printed a truthful story then the headline reads Wanting What's Best for the Princess.
I, as Fate would have it, have interviewed this Princess since receiving the latest news.
She concurs that friendships, old and new alike, are most assuredly always a blessing.

That is, when the friendships are on the level.
In openness.
For all cast and crew to witness.
And for the Leading Man and Leading Lady to agree upon.

What's best for the Princess is what's honest, genuine, truthful and sincere.
Not what becomes inconsistency, double mindedness, deception and distrust.
She already starred in I Love You but I Can't be in Love Right Now in the Off Off Broadway production.

New roles are what's in fashion now.
Blonde is out.  And black is in.

So if Restoration is a script that appeals to you then the next course of action would be to ask your Leading Lady if there is a role within the story that the Princess could be suited for.

Some divas don't like sharing their stage with those they fear might upstage them.

So if not cast in that production there will be plenty of other roles in store for the Princess.
She's not worried about her starring roles.
She just generously offered to play the role of the Friend in this particular script.
At the request of the Leading Man.

But if the role is not best suited for all the players then the Leading Man should really accept the plot his Leading Lady has written.
He did cast her in the role after all.


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