Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Book

Someone told me once when they lost their job they were getting a new chapter.

I've decided for me after all I've endured, after how far I've made it, this new job is not merely a new chapter, its a new book.

I didn't even realize how greatly I needed the chance for a fresh start until I heard the woman on the phone say she was calling to offer me the job.  I nearly started crying.  Yes, that sounds dramatic and maybe my hormones were partially responsible but I think it was more than that. 
It was like hearing someone tell me I could take a breath and I hadn't even realized I was holding it.

Release.  Relief.  Freedom.

Its sad now but I know a year from now it will have morphed into comedy.  But the thing is, all of my heartache over the last year was tied up in Starbucks.  ALL OF IT.  There were two players, yes, but we all worked for The Bucks.  And we all knew each other.  Too much of each other.  All the gossipers, slanderers, minions and mongrels also worked for Starbucks.  There were times one of the cast would make an unwelcome appearance at my store or I'd have to pick up product at their store or my personal favorite, siblings of the one I thought I'd never see again got hired next store and started coming in every morning.  And yes, they TOO also worked for starbucks.

See?  It's funny, right? 
Like, gee, Reese.  Could you really not get any more creative than just invest in the drama that is Coffee World?  Couldn't you mix it up a bit and include folks who, say, I don't know, aren't affiliated with Starbucks?
Apparently not.
It's on par with only dating actors and jumping from guy to guy as one show closes and another opens.  We call those Showmances.  Those excessively in show related relationships are dubbed Showmance Whores.  I guess that makes me a Starbucksance Slut.
At least I get creative with my pet names.

So now I get to step into a world so untouched by my past that no one is going to know the names of the players.  No one will bring up their roles in my past.  They won't even know how they liked their Iced Coffee.  My past will be just that.  And a new cast of characters means a new plot will unfold.

A new saga awaits me!
And I'm so bubbling over with joy I'm simply whelmed.
You can be overwhelmed.
You can be underwhelmed.
But in those rare blissful moments of content there is whelmed.
There is Teresa Renee.

1 comment:

  1. Being whelmed is a good look on your heart! :-) I agree and I am so excited to see where you go! Oh the places you will go! Congrats!!! You deserve this!
