Saturday, September 4, 2010

Airplane Inspirations Part Un

I'm not entirely sure why, but I became quite the little writer while I was on the plane for about 8 hours today......I think I got inspired flipping through my magazines and then reading my books. And I thought, I'm always reading other people's opinions about these sorts of things, I'm gonna write my own!

Rules to Live by, courtesy of Resa Renee:

~Always look your best (whatever that means to you)

I always wear a dress when I'm traveling on a plane. As Princess Diana said, you should always leave your house expecting to have your picture taken. I may not be royalty (officially) but you never know who your might meet and where. I can't tell you how many times I've run into an ex or my Starbucks man candy and thanked the Big G that I decided to apply more to my face than just oversized sunglasses. And one of the last times a stranger told me I was cute, I was 10,000 feet in the air!

~5 Minutes after you feel offended, let it go

Dwelling on what other people have said or done to you does you more harm than anyone else. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. And as we think in our heart, so are we. So stop thinking and talking about what Susie said or how Jonny blew you off. It won't change anything and you're wasting mind energy that could be spent on helping a friend, learning a language or finishing a book. Best strategy: work it off. My best workouts are ones when I'm pissy. I get rid of the tension and have taken care of my body.

~Saying NO is often the nicest thing you can say

If you are always trying to please others without taking time for the things you want and need to do, you will be of little use or help to anyone. You can't help others if you're not at your 100%. After I've had my own R&R (a long walk listening to inspired tunes, a movie on the couch shared only with Champagne and a bag of Milanos or finishing the 500 page book I started 4 months ago) I will be free to give more generously and selflessly to whomever needs my time and energies.

~Being a Singleton is highly underrated

Most of my friends are married or practically so. Of course I've had my "All by Myself" Celine Deon sing along parties but I've realized there IS a plan for my life and just because it's not like everyone else's doesn't make it insignificant or less worthy. There are things I still need to accomplish and your path may be more windy than someone else's.

~Have Faith

You can never go wrong believing the best in others, my Mother has always told me. And nothing could be truer of positive thinking. Even if someone hurts you or let you down, still finding the good in people makes it so much harder to feel sad about what they may have done. Believe in the blessings that are headed your way. You deserve them.

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