Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gratification is not a hot fudge sundae or a hot date where you break the rules!

I have read them once before, years ago. I'm not even sure how long ago. But I remember finding the whole thing to be a pile of bollocks and deciding being Resa was far more appealing than following any sort of guideline. Then, recently, in the aftermath of what seemed to be another slew of confusing dates and no dates (if we include The Texter) I thought I'd read through it once again. Flpping through the pages I can't help but find the entire book to be wildly entertaining. (I highly recommend picking up a copy yourself, regardless of where you stand on the subject). Here a selection of some of my favorite quotes:

"Men like women who wear fashionable, sexy clothes in bright colors. Why not please them?"

"Remember that you're dressing for men, not other women, so always strive to look feminine.....If you have a bad nose, get a nose job; color gray hair; grow your hair long. Men prefer long hair, something to play with and caress."

"But when you're with a man you like, be quiet and mysterious, act lady like, cross your legs and smile. Don't talk so much. Wear black sheer pantyhose and hike up your skirt to entice the opposite sex!"

Bollocks right? Antiquated, contrived lunacy that surely is of no consequence. But then I thought for a moment, to the dreaded ex, who ended badly, but began beautifully. ("Rules" nazi's might say I started out playing the rules and then broke them). One thing I used to always say that I loved about Ali was that he pursued me. I'm so assertive. I'm always chasing the mens. (In kindergarten, literally, around the classroom and then when I caught them, kissed them on the cheek). And I had to laugh because I, unknowingly, had played the rules wth Ali. He talked to me first. When our first date ended I let him have my number but I wouldn't take his. "Don't you want my number?" he'd asked. And I, simply stated, "if you're interested, you'll call." And I went on other dates, I wasn't available every time he wanted to meet up. I wasn't even sure I liked him for the first month we dated so it was easy for me to follow these "rules." Sure, it all could have been a fluke and maybe one has nothing to do with the other but perhaps there's method in the madness. The whole basis of "He's just not that into you" is that when men want something they make it happen. And I can't tell you how many times girlfriends have told me that as soon as they stopped responding to his texts or returning every call, he seemed to suddenly want to hang out more and these friends, now full of confidence from being desired, felt they were in control for once in their dysfunctional relationships.

Other than my first love, i don't think I've ever known a man to be more crazy about me. So maybe there is some meaning in that. Nonsense or no, the next time I meet someone I really like I'm following these rules...or at least giving it my best attempt....I'll let you know how it turns out.

(A sampling, for those who are curious.....)

1- Be a creature unlike any other
2- Don't talk to a man first
3- Don't stare at men or talk too much
4- Don't meet him halfway or go dutch on a date
5- Don't call him and rarely return his calls
6- Always end phone calls first
7- Don't accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday
8- Fill up your time before the date
9- Always end the date first
10- Don't see him more than once or twice a week (the first month)
11- Don't rush into sex
12- Don't tell him what to do
13- Let him take the lead
14- Don't try to change a man
15- Don't open up too fast
16- Be honest but mysterious

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