Saturday, September 4, 2010

The doctor is....out...

Have you ever found yourself in a moment where all of a sudden freckles connect and stars align and you discover the necessity for the interjection aha! I found myself giving advice to a friend the other night and when I hung up the phone I realized the very steps I told her she should take were the same steps I was skipping ahead of myself. Why can't I have the same clarity for my own life that I have for everyone else's? .......I guess that would make things a bit boring if all my drama was so easily alleviated. I think what was most amusing was my genuine surprise at my own inability to behave the way I know I should. I know I shouldn't do something and that said action won't bring about the desired outcome, yet I still continue to do it....what gives? I suppose it's the theory that I don't need to change my behavior and instead just wait for everyone else to....ha! 'tis to laugh! We tend to surround ourselves with the same unique copies of people. So what drove one b-a-n-a-n-a-s is likely to repeat the pattern. Yet the outreach continues. And our manic depressive insanity grows at the audacity of another to just not get it. "Why don't you just give up?" she asked. Because, dear one, that's not my style. And he, secretly, is glad 'tis the case.

Sometimes though, sadly, a change in behavior doesn't bring about a change either. "Killing them with kindness" can sometimes be a moot point. Even so, I'd rather be the one standing there with a doofy grin on my face than letting the negativity rain on my parade.

The sun surprised us all this morning and 'twill continue on with or without our encouragement. But for this breath, I stopped to notice. And one day, so will You.

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