Saturday, September 4, 2010

In his humble opinion...

I decided that I was done trying to create my own humble opinion on the subject and thought I'd go straight to the source and get your perspective.

Why, oh why is it that guys don't call anymore?

I mean, they'll myspace you and write on your facebook wall and send you novels in texts, but they never actually pick up the phone and call. It used to be that you'd meet a guy or be introduced through friends and he would either be an eager beaver and call you that night or wait the standard three days and call you then. But now?! Even when it is quite clear that a guy is genuinely interested he just won't do it. He'll only make the move if he can use the internet to do it. And I wanna know what gives?

I'm an assertive gal and probably was a dude in another life or should have been. And I do understand the rejection factor and maybe it's simply easier to be ignored with a text than to never get a call back. But I'm also an actress and dealing with rejection is part of my career so I don't really believe it could be as simple as all that.

I saw "He's just not that into you" and it's such a hillarious movie because it's really true. We do, as gals, often want to believe things that are never true of the guys we crush on and so constantly make up excuses or see behavior that just ain't happenin'. But I'm not talking about the guys that just aren't into me. I'm talking about the guys I have gone on dates with or dated but that it never started with a phone call. Or there's the guy from Okstupid, the dating website I amusingly have a profile on who seemed cute and worth meeting up with so after a couple messages I gave him my number. And he never called. It wasn't until a week or so later that I realized that random "hello hello" text I got from some unknown number was him. Hello hello? Seriously? That's the extent of the effort you're willing to make? Why is that so funny to me?!

I guess I want to know why and if, as the feisty female I am, there is anything I can do to end the madness. I know that if guys want something, they'll go after it. And if they're not really into it, they won't make the effort. But are all women forced to accept this new dating ritual as the only option?

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