Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is't possible for we two, to coincide?

I think the first time I heard mention the idea that guys and gals couldn't be friends was from the kid I dated many moons ago, who shall remain nameless, but lets just say he was the first in a long line of men with odd names. (A dating pattern I am in refusal of continuing, by the bye). It's funny the brief moments we can recall while still others, moreso important even we cannot remember mere fragments of. He was telling me he had this conversation with a gal pal of his who agreed that it is impossible for guys and girls to just be friends. The reasoning being that one, if not both, at some point in the relationship will desire something beyond platonism and because of this desire for something outside the realms of the realtionship, 'twill never work. My favorite part of the story was that he had mentioned to his friend, "but you and I are just friends and we've never liked each other," and she revealed her long time crush. *gulp* It's funny how things can so suddenly reveal themselves.

I can think of quite a few guy friends over years past who have not lasted because of these similar factors. I liked them and they were disinterested; they liked me and I was not single; there was a crush at first, but then it wained, but they never trusted your friendship was genuine, without anticipated reciprocity.

Mother says I choose men who are not ready, mature enough for the types of relationships I desire nor yet capable of viewing women as anything beyond carnal notions.

"In any case, it was not among the female writers that he, who was neither pure in mind nor sentimental by nature, could expect to find a literary niche adapted to his particular tastes."

And neither could a letter written or a sentence whispered compel such a spirit to hear all too clearly a truth that is dissipating as quickly as thoughts of lovers past. Unless of course 'twas terse, as a text. If it's "too long" the words will jumble in his head and leave little room for his stubborn, misogynistic arrogance.

But even if it is impossible to have a friendship without ulterior motives, is't better to think such thoughts alone and so, unspoken, or to participate in one of the oh-so-common facades?

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