Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thank God for the ones who got away

I've decided it's good to be sick every once in awhile. I'm still battling the crud and the cough. But I feel so thankful to feel alive, to not have to stay in bed. I felt so grateful I had the energy to walk around Bellevue. I guess it's true what they say, that out of the worst experiences do the brightest rainbows appear. I've also decided I can't stand being around negative people anymore. I just don't have the patience for it. My spirit is too sensitive or something. And I do think there is a difference between those who are lost and lonely and bitterly jaded and those that really should know better and revel in their own witty cynicism. It's funny how the people who seem so easily categorized, those we so quickly conclude which box they belong in are often the ones we were so very wrong about. Sometimes our instincts are right. But some people aren't as obvious with what they're all about. Probably the reason why those buttheads have such appeal despite logics' rationale convincing us to let well enough alone. There's just something there we can't....quite put our finger on....Maybe in our blissful naivety we imagine we're the ones to inspire change, to crack their loveless hearts. I have before, erego, I can do it again. Dammit. *sigh* You get the picture.

I also love how the most profound insight can stem from seemingly inane conversation. One of the ladies that works in the office here, someone I've had maybe three conversations with since being here, was talking with me about men (I know, me, talk about men? Shocker!) And somehow it came up my weakness for Middle Eastern men even though I know they're bad news. She quoted her Mom and how she used to always say in regards to the men who stirred up passion but tears right along with that, "thank God for the ones that got away!" Because Lord knows where we'd be if those bad boys we were so mad for really stuck around....But for those select few that do stick around, we thank you. I thank you. You make the long journey a little less chilling....

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