Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 219

Have you ever had one of those days, one of those moments, rather, where you find yourself calm, serene almost, then suddenly sad, next a dash of anger, followed by a calm more tranquil than your first? And no, I didn't take speed. Nor am I losing my marbles (though I'm sure they could find a genetic defect to warrant as much: If you've met my family, you get this). No, today I simply awoke at peace. But that peace was attacked throughout the day by emotions and doubt and dread and uncertainty. Our minds are so easily affected and so easily swayed. Isn't it curious the little critters we let into our minds? Scurrying along the truths we know, the love in our hearts, and leaving instead a trail of confusion of misguided skepticism?

I have always known who I am, what I want, at least in brief if not always for keeps. And I stand, once again on the precipice of an ellipsis***


Today I learned to let go. And now, as I fall, softly floating, I pray I'll land amidst rose petals, delightfully surprised and somehow, always knowing they would be there.

"You know, if there was not the dark of night we would never see the beauty of the stars. The 'dark' times in our lives are God giving us the opportunity to shine," someone reminded me.

It is easy to forget a lot of things, who we are, what we know. But I am created above all else to love. So that's what I'll do. And the rest, we shall see, is up to Him.

"There is a way, there is a spark
There is a Hope that you can hold onto
There is a lifeline come to the rescue
Just like a hand that's waiting for you
And if you believe in this I promise you won't be alone
There is a way, the truth and the life, and the Way"

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