Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sorry, this seat's taken

This morning, I stumbled into work, drunk with fatigue, having no idea I was crossing the time space continuum into the hallways of high school. Once back in the throws of adolescence, I was cornered by my locker to hear the latest, juiciest secret: "She hates you. She doesn't like working with you. And when you left the other day, she said, 'Teresa needs to get fired.'" Like every good teen before me, I took the bait. "But why doesn't she like me?" I inquired. "What is it that I do so that I can know not to do it around her again?" But of course there was no specific reason. There likely IS no tangible reason. Betty simply despised Veronica and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

It's amazing how quickly and prevalently negative energy can spread. It started this whole on going tangent for most of the day, for most everyone about everything that really frosts our cookies. But it wasn't fun like bonding in homeroom, it was annoying. And the whole thing really pissed me off. Not because I cared what this person thought of me. (I think very few of us actually care genuinely what most people really think). But it was because I thought this person was a friend of mine and we had this whole buddy thing going on while the whole time they were talking smack about me when my back was turned. Really? Is it always a sleepover with Rizzo and Frenchy where girls are concerned? I just hate being deceived. It's like, being tricked into believing you are in a certain relationship with someone only to discover that it was all in your head, your a complete wack job and people have been actually looking at you through double sided glass in test tubes for quite some time. And this isn't even the first time I've had this happen. This year even. And in most situations I would have no problem confronting the problem head on. 'What is your deal? Why are you such a Heather?' But someone who is two faced is not very likely to admit to their problems and be forthright when confronted.

You know, back in the day, when being prejudiced and racist wasn't so unPC and people were more upfront with their ignorance and their unfounded biases, we could all at least have a fragmentary understanding as to why buttheads disliked us. But now that it's kosher to believe idiotic things only in secrecy instead of on display for all the world to see, in a way, it's a bit more work to know where you stand. Or don't stand. Or can't even sit for that matter. I think it would be MUCH easier if we could all have inane minority groups of people we refuse to tolerate. Like, maybe this girl I work with is just incredibly prejudiced against blue eyed curly blonde haired size ten soprano singing overly opinionated actors who live with their parents and drive crappy old cars. Or "Resa's" for short. Ah. I see now. Why didn't you just SAY so?? I'll take my toys and go sit somewhere else then. Thank you!

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