Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just Be Quiet

I want to share a story......a sort of Christmas story, actually. I knew a kid who lived with a bunch of the people he worked with. He lived hundreds of miles from his family and friends but over the months he developed relationships with his peers and after many months, Christmas time came. He eagerly purchased presents for those he worked with and looked forward to celebrating with all of them. And when it came closer to Xmas he found it curious that no one said they had plans for Christmas Day, even after asking a number of individuals, all of whom said no plans were to take place. No bother, he thought, he'd make his own Christmas memory. And on that day, he opened his room door to find all of his housemates had left to attend a get together at another home, where other people he worked with lived. Great, he thought, a party! I guess we are going to be doing something together on Christmas. And when he called one of his peers to double check the details, he was told it was "invite only, sorry." Invite only. Everyone he worked with received an invitation, except for him and one other housemate, his closest friend. Why would anyone do such a thing on Christmas, he thought? And when he would be leaving in a matter of days, likely to never see these people again. Invite only? Was he once again in High School? What sad and miserable people they must be to need to feel superior to us in such an inane way, he mused. But unlike those unhappy people, he refused to let them steal his joy. For the light within will not die out amidst even the most lonely darkness. And this day, the celebration of Christs' birth, is another testament that all the dark souls and hating hearts cannot undo what Jesus did for us and continues to do for us. What a sweet joy to know his own heart and his closest friends' is pure enough to forgive such unjust, elitist disdain and say a thankful prayer that soon they would be free from such surroundings.

....I have repeatedly heard, over the course of this year, discouraging words.........

"Just Be Quiet."

"Why don't you just give up?"

"They're not worth it."

And I watched today, those who in full conscience, guiltily went along with a wrong act and said nothing. Stood up for no one but their own interest. Remained... just quiet. Because we were clearly not worth it. And I thought to myself, as I stepped outside into the surprisingly sunny, beautiful day, Praise Be that I was cursed with a mouth that refuses to silence when around wrong doings. And I will continue to speak up and question the errors and demand a take two and say what others dreamed the courage to speak. And if it means I will spend more Christmas' alone, walking on such a shining path, then this outspoken girl looks forward to the future trials that await her.

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