Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yes, I am talking about you.

January is a time of revelation, a reflection of all that was not or was, to your surprise. It is the start to a new year, a time for new chances, new beginnings. Some seek cups of kindness for days long gone. Others vow oaths knowing full well they will never be kept. I am starting my resolve by quitting my gym membership. Call it my need to be different or the fact that twenty dollars a month suddenly seems like a lot to run when I can take a walk outside for free. I guess my hippie boyfriend's rubbing off on me.

This past year has brought many people into my life. MANY folks. From the East coast to the retail gurus to the Stage and all its minions and all the regulars and the crazies and the phonies and the gems. It's amazing just how many folks a gal can encounter in such a brief time. And after all is cried and laughed, I wonder.....why do people lie?

I don't mean simply children who are caught red handed or the pathological or the mean spirited. But the every day, seemingly authentic kin we let in. Why are they one way one day and sideways the next?

I am searching for people who are genuine.

**Friend: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard; a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter; a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile.**

We use that word so often to describe people we don't even like. Why do we call them friends if we can't even be honest with them?

I think as we get older we realize our friends are the people who don't distrust. They don't judge, they don't criticize. Our friends are the ones who stayed. The ones who called back and knew you meant what you said in a loving way. They are the ones who understood, the ones who didn't need an explanation or excuse because they simply cared.

My friends are the ones I see once every two years and still we talk for hours like we did in homeroom. They are the ones who love me anyway, as only friends could. They understand. They forgive. They let me be who I need to be. My friends believe the best. My friends let me make mistakes and meet for coffee to talk about it. They text me back. They don't delete me from their facebook. This year I'm spending my time with people who enrich my life and allow me to try and bless them in the process. Play acting is for the stage, honey. This is life. There is no imitating here.

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