Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Return of the Crazies

Friday the 13th only happens every once in awhile because it apparently encourages the crazies to come out of their boiler rooms. Remember, back in Rhodey, the Persistance King who found me on okcupid and then turned into a real tool when I wasn't into the idea of meeting him alone on the beach at night, in cases the roofie laced wine he served me prompted a less than lovely eve? No joke, he seriously texted me AGAIN last Friday. The 13th. I'm sure he had no idea how fitting it was for him to pick such a date to try and reconnect. What I loved most was that his text read something like, "Do you work at Astors Beechwood? I'm trying to reconnect with some old friends who worked there......" blah, blah, blah. Ok, first of all, he KNEW I worked there. It was posted on my profile (which I have since deleted, by the bye) and even something I mentioned to him.

*Note* When looking for an excuse to contact someone you have no business bothering, make every effort to at least be creative. For example, "Can you believe it's been nearly four months since I last stalk texted you?" Now see THAT would bring a smile to my face. But since I'd deleted Rhodey's number from my phone I had no idea who it was so I texted back the always curious, "who is this?" And then (a novel in text response) he has the audacity to tell me I was judgemental over the fact I never wanted to meet him on the beach.

*Note number 2* When trying to work your mack on a complete stranger, it is usally best to save insults for a more appropriate time, say in the bedroom or perhaps when meeting her parents.

It's like those guys who stand on street corners trying to get you to save the whales or the children in Africa and then when you tell them you're not interested they yell out insults as you walk away. I always want to turn around and head back merely to say, "you know, your insults have turned me around. I can see clearly now you are right and I am wrong." I get that it's their last ditch effort to try and get some response out of you but it cracks me up. Does it ever actually work? And if it does, can I please meet these people it works on so we can have a heart to heart?

I've heard it said that we often repeat the same patterns, make the same mistakes, date the same person, over and over and over again. Mine seem to be the jaded and aloof or the aggressively insane and either way it makes for great entertainment but not a whole lot else. And why is it the ones you actually would like to hear from once again fall down the rabbit hole? Whatever the why's beware you too are never safe. Our phones possess the power for the unthinkables to reconnect. And we thought facebook was scary.

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