Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ode to a blog (circa 4/29/08)

I haven't been sleeping much lately.

And then when I do sleep, it's for 10+ hours. I think I slept 10 hours last night, woke up, then went back to sleep and slept 3 more. That can't be normal.

A good friend of mine asked me if I'd been writing much lately. I said no. "Maybe that's why you haven't been sleeping," spoke said friend. "Because you aren't getting all of your thoughts out." Perhaps there is a reason certain people are brought into our lives......

I have surprisingly found myself, for the first time in quite awhile, at peace.
I think when you are in conflict for so long, you get used to that unsettled feeling as normalcy, as part of who you are, without pausing to realize those thoughts that stir your sleep are ones you don't want to think anymore. And don't need to think. Cuz sometimes, 'tis simply moot.

Truth truly does set you free. I spoke mine and I know now that what happens next, is not up to me. And feeling that freedom to be whole regardless of when or what or if the response will ever be, is more than liberating. Walking around feeling sa-tis-fied. And smiling silently about nothing and no one and et al.

I went to the Rack today (**gasp o surprise**) and did not buy 8 dresses (oh wait, I so totally did!) and the lady I love the most who works there rang me up. "You like dresses a lot," she said. Yes, yes this is true. I told her about Rhode Island and what I was going to be doing and she said, "wow, that sounds so fun. I want to do something fun."

Why does it sometimes take someone who doesn't know us at all to tell us the very things we forgot we already knew?

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