Saturday, September 4, 2010


Sometimes it feels like God brings people into our lives who mirror our same trials and tears so that we can finally make sense of all the nebulous chaos we experienced ourselves. It suddenly makes sense how there really is nothing you can do to change them or their reaction or their inability to accept all the declicious neuroses that encompass your snowflake. And all those eves you spent downcast and doubting, feeling alone and a failure, it was strengthening you for this very moment, where you could confidently tell a stranger that this too will pass. And not bat a lash as their doubting eyes peer over stained cheeks. We share these uncertainties and these coughs and these screamed words so that when we finally pause to look up, we realize we're not alone as we feared, but Always in company, in safe keeping. The unknown suddenly no longer appears grey and forboding but shimmering with possibilities. This door or that or perhaps none at all. But a smile on your lips and all those around you, so blessed to feel the warmth of that spark of Light. Like all great fools, who wait until the very end to see what has always been waiting in front of them, this chapter approaches its end and hindsight always notices the errors that seemed necessary steps to dance and trip to. But no shaking heads or wishful sighs uttered upon these lips. Rather an understanding half smile at the humor of all the stifled sobs. And to think, 'twas as necessary as the elders predicted. How wise we fools may be, on our way to wisdom and truth. And those fortunate enough to cross paths along the way may not have seen what was reflected back in kids' eyes but some noticed and some may see one day.....hindsights such a greedy storyteller, after all.

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